Communicating with the KF3
Read this chapter if you are configuring a half-duplex network or if you
plan to write a communication driver. A thorough understanding of DF1
protocol, PLC command sets and the use of slave devices on the DH-485
communication network is required.
The KF3 supports full-duplex DF1 protocol and half-duplex DF1 slave
protocol on its RS-232C connection to a host computer. The details
of these protocols can be found in the Data Highway/Data Highway
Plus/DH-485 Protocol and Command Set Manual.
Full-duplex DF1 protocol is provided for applications where high
performance peer-to-peer communication is needed.
The KF3 provides two modes of addressing in half-duplex: local and
remote modes. You select one of these by configuring Submenu option 5 –
DF1 Device Category (see Table 3.C).
Local mode is provided for compatibility with earlier DF1 products,
such as the 1770-KF2. Some users may prefer local mode for use in
applications where the RS-232C link is not multidrop, since it simplifies
the polling algorithm.
Remote mode should be used with a half-duplex master, such as the
1771-KGM, or when SLC 500 communication is added to existing
half-duplex networks. Because the KF3 is transparent to the master
device, existing drivers can be used without rewriting.
FullDuplex DF1 Protocol
In full-duplex mode, the KF3 detects embedded responses. The module
will not send embedded responses until it receives one from the host.
The KF3 makes the assumption that if a host computer sends embedded
responses, it can also receive them.
In full-duplex mode, the destination address in a packet sent from the host
computer to the KF3 is the address of the DH-485 network node for which
the packet is intended. The source address in packets received by the host
computer from the KF3 is the node address of the sender.
DF1 Communication