Configuring the KF3
You configure the KF3’s communication parameters using the push buttons
and displays located on the bottom of the module. The module saves them
in nonvolatile memory. Factory default settings (shown in Table 3.B)
should be adequate for most industrial usages.
Important: Verify that all parameter settings are correct for your purposes
before connecting the KF3 to your network.
The KF3 has two modes of operation, run mode and configuration
mode. During normal operation, the module functions in run mode.
Communication parameters are changed in configuration mode. The
module continues to communicate while it is in configuration mode.
Changes take effect as soon as they are saved and the module returns to run
mode. In run mode, the configuration displays are turned off.
Important: If your displays show symbols other than those shown in this
chapter, your module is malfunctioning. Contact your A-B representative.
Figure 3.1
Configuration Display and Push Buttons
Parameter Current Setting