Publication 1747-5.41
ControlNet Connectors
Cable connection to the module is through standard BNC connectors on the
module frontplate, as shown below.
Figure 2 Cable Connections.
1. End device supporting redundant cabling is a 1747-ACNR15.
Refer to the ControlNet Cable System Planning and Installation User Manual,
Publication 1786-6.2.1 for more information.
Network Address Switch Assemblies
You must set two switch assemblies to configure your adapter module with its
unique network address. You access these switches through the top of the
module. Figure 3 shows the location of the switches. These switches are read on
power-up to establish the network address of the module. Network address
switch settings are described on page 7.
Determining Power Requirements
The ControlNet adapter module requires a maximum backplane current of
900mA at 5V dc. Remember to add this amount to other current requirements for
your I/O chassis.
Example of a Redundant System
trunkline A =
trunkline B =
PLC-5/20C or
end device