Rockwell Automation Publication 2711P-TD001D-EN-P - February 2011
Wiring and Grounding Guidelines for PanelView Plus Terminals
PanelView Plus
Isolated DC Terminals
The 700 to 1500 terminals with an isolated DC power input use the following:
Isolated DC logic module
Earth/ground connection
Terminals with an isolated DC logic module do not require a separate power
supply to power multiple devices.
Isolated DC Logic Modules
All PanelView Plus 6 terminals (700 to 1500 models) that operate on DC power
use an isolated DC logic module. Some PanelView Plus 700 to 1500 terminals
running FactoryTalk View ME software, version 5.1 or earlier, support logic
modules with an isolated DC power input.
External Power Supply for Isolated DC Terminals
Use a SELV or PELV, 24V DC power supply, such as catalog number
2711P-RSACDIN, to power a PanelView Plus 700 to 1500 terminal with an
isolated DC logic module
The isolated DC terminals may be powered by the same power source as other
equipment, a DC power bus.
Table 5 - Isolated DC Logic Modules
Cat. No.
Logic Modules with Isolated DC Power Input
PanelView Plus 6 Terminals (700 to 1500)
Logic module with 512 MB nonvolatile memory and RAM
Conformal-coated logic module with 512 MB nonvolatile memory and RAM
Logic module with 512 MB nonvolatile memory and RAM
Conformal-coated logic module with 512 MB nonvolatile memory and RAM
PanelView Plus 700 to 1500 Terminals
(1) These logic modules support FactoryTalk View ME software, version 5.1 or earlier.
Marine-certified logic module with 64 MB nonvolatile memory and RAM
Marine-certified logic module with 128 MB nonvolatile memory and RAM
Marine-certified, CE logic module with 128 MB nonvolatile memory and RAM
Conformal-coated logic module with 128 MB nonvolatile memory and RAM
CE conformal-coated logic module with 128 MB nonvolatile memory and RAM
Marine-certified logic module with 256 MB nonvolatile memory and RAM
Marine-certified CE logic module with 256 MB nonvolatile memory and RAM
Refer to
Communication Port Isolation on page 21
for information on
communication port isolation.
Use a SELV or PELV supply as required by local wiring codes
for your installation. The SELV and PELV power sources provide protection
so that under normal and single fault conditions, the voltage between
conductors and earth/ground does not exceed a safe value.