WZ12:2DX U
LR Mix Inserts
Use these sockets if you wish to insert external signal processing equipment into the L-R mix post-
mix amp and pre-L-R fader. This lets you check the effect of the inserted equipment using the
console headphones or local monitor. For live sound it is common to insert graphic equalisers to
adjust for the room acoustics. In recording you could plug in a compressor to prevent unexpected
peaks overloading the recording. Use a suitable stereo jack lead or Y-adaptor for tip = send, ring =
LR Main Outputs
These outputs are 3-wire balanced XLR operating at a n4dBu to drive professional
equipment over long cable runs without interference pickup. You can, however, connect to 2-
wire unbalanced equipment inputs by linking signal - (cold) to ground (XLR pin3 to pin1).
Connect to an amplifier of suitable power rating for the venue to drive the PA loudspeakers.
Or connect to a 2-track recorder for studio or location recording.
Stage Monitor and Cue Sends
Set up a pre-fade aux mix to
send a monitor or cue mix to the
performers. The aux outputs
are 3-wire impedance balanced
for interference rejection when
plugged into balanced
equipment inputs. You could
insert a graphic EQ between the
output and the amplifier for
monitor feedback control
Effects Send and Return
Set up a post-fade aux mix to send
channel signals to an external effects
device such as reverb or delay.
Return the processed signal to the mix
by plugging the device output into ST1
or ST2 stereo return, or into a channel
input. These inputs can operate
balanced or unbalanced. For a mono
return simply plug into the L input
leaving R unplugged. The setting of
the channel aux send control
determines how much effect is added
to the signal.
2-Track Replay
Plug your 2-track recorder into a
stereo return to monitor your
recording, or for replay over the PA.
The return can also be used for
intermission replay from a CD player
or similar.