User Guide
Dual Functionality
Now an industry standard, Allen & Heath pioneered this
feature with the introduction of the first GL consoles in the ‘90s. In the past it was
necessary to stock two different types of live sound console, one for mixing FOH
(front-of-house), the other designed for mixing on-stage monitors. With the
introduction of a few clever ‘mode’ switches we changed all that. Now, the same
console can be quickly configured to carry out either task properly and without
takes dual functionality a thoughtful stage further with the advent
of new engineering practices such as multi-media and IEM (in-ear monitor)
mixing, and computer based live multi-track recording. The key principles of
dual functionality are:
The same console can be quickly configured by the operator for proper FOH
or stage monitor mixing, or as a combination of both for mixing monitors
from FOH. In either mode, no part of the console is redundant. Every
control and socket can be used for an associated function.
To prevent accidental operation during the show, the configuration mode
switches are safely recessed under the panel.
In FOH mode the groups and LR are the main outputs while in Monitor
mode the aux mixes become the main outputs.
The REV switch swaps the group or L, R master controls with the related aux
master so that you have full fader control of the appropriate main output
complete with mute, AFL and LED bar meter.
In Monitor mode the aux outputs are routed to the console main XLR
sockets for electronically balanced drive, with inserts for patching in
processors such as graphic EQ, limiters and delays.
Channel pre/post switches and link options are important. In Monitor mode
it must be possible to switch all auxes post for channel fader mastering. For
Monitors from FOH, the pre-insert, pre-EQ or post-EQ option is needed.
In Monitor mode the groups continue to feed the sub grouping to LR so that
you can still work with grouped level control to the main mix.
In Monitor mode the groups and LR continue to feed the matrix so that you
can create independent mixes in addition to the auxes for special feeds,
recording, and further mono or stereo in-ear monitors.
In Monitor mode the M output becomes the engineer’s ‘listen wedge’ feed
providing the PFL/AFL mix. It gives the engineer identical fader control and
XLR drive for all wedges including their own.
In both modes assignable talkback is provided.
The matrix has a useful application in both modes. External ambience
sources can be mixed in to the matrix to create live recording and in-ear
monitor mixes.
LR + M
Aux-fed Subs
Aux-fed C
4 Groups
6 Auxes
4 Matrix
10 Monitors
6 Aux (wedge)
4 Matrix (IEM)
Engineer’s Wedge
Stereo / Mono
4 Groups
4 Matrix
Direct Outputs
FOH / Monitor
Aux Reverse
Master Control
XLR + Inserts
Sub Grouping
Matrix Feed
Listen Wedge