1 Intended use
The PIN code terminal can be used to activate respective SimonsVoss
locking devices
(such as locking cylinders, SmartHandles or
SmartRelays) by entering a numerical code.
Up to 500 User PINs
User PINs between 4 and 8 character
After entering the Master PIN: User PINs configurable directly on the
PIN code terminal
Overarching transponder level possible
2 General safety instructions
Signal words
DANGER: Death or serious injury (likely), WARNING: Death or serious
injury (possible, but unlikely), CAUTION: Minor injury, IMPORTANT:
Property damage or malfunction, NOTE: Low or no damage
Blocked access
Access through a door may stay blocked due to incorrectly fitted and/or
incorrectly programmed components. SimonsVoss Technologies
GmbH is not liable for the consequences of blocked access such as ac-
cess to injured or endangered persons, material damage or other dam-
1. Intended use
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