Cross-band same frequency of Digital-Digital: TX and RX are at same frequencies, but different
times lots on VFO A and VFO B. Radio must also be in Double Slot operation.
Note: Turn off Digital Monitor when using the Cross-band repeat function
Analog (A) to Analog (A) Cross band Repeater Setup
1.To set the channels or frequencies to use with cross band in operation, the radio must be set to
display both the Main Channel (VFO A) and the Sub-Channel (VFO B).
2.Set the analog channel with simplex or repeater frequency.
3.Turning the Repeater function ON in the Radio Settings menu.
Analog (A) to Digital (D) or Digital (D) to Analog (A) Cross band Repeater Setup
1.To set the channels or frequencies you will want to use with cross band operation, the radio
must be set to display both the Main Channel (VFO A) and the Sub-Channel (VFO B).
2.Set the analog channel with simplex or repeater frequency, and set the digital channel with
simplex frequency only.
3.Turning the Repeater function ON in the Radio Settings menu.
Digital (D) to Digital (D) Cross band Repeater Setup
1.To set the channels or frequencies you will want to use with (D) to (D) cross band operation,
the radio must be set to display both the Main Channel (VFO A) and the Sub-Channel (VFO B).
2.Enter the Simplex channel or Simplex frequency for VFO A and the Simplex channel or
frequency for (VFO B).
3.Set the correct Color Code and set the two (VFO) channels to DIFFERENT Time Slots (TS)
4.Set the radio to Double Slot operation.
5.Turning the Repeater function ON in the Radio Settings menu.
Note: Allows the VFO A and VFO B at same frequency but different time slot, the radio will
work as a digital single frequency repeater.
At the Repeater (Cross-band) only able to transmits at (small, low and middle power level).
5.59.SMS Format
M-SMS: SMS text format is compatible with Motorola DMR radio.
H-SMS: SMS text format is compatible with Hytera DMR radio.
DMR Standard: SMS text format is compatible with general DMR radios.
5.60. CTC Ste
CTCSS eliminate tail tone way
5.61.No-signal Ste
No signal eliminate tail tone way
5.62.Time Zone
Set up the time zone of your location.
5.63.Date Time
Time Set: Allows to set up the date and time manually. Use the channel switch to set the current
Move to the month by pushing channel selector knob on front panel. Set the month, and push the
channel selector knob to move forward each step. Once done, press the Menu key to save the date
and time.
6.Channel Setting
Channel set menu Route: Main Menu
Chan Set. The channel set menu will change