Use this function to automatically search for signals. 6 different scan types are available in the unit.
In the parameter setting mode, choose the Timer mode or the Busy mode to determine the desired
resuming condition. If the CTCSS(TSQ) squelch or DCS squelch is set, the audio can be heard
only when the tone/code matches the incoming signal. Otherwise, scanning stops but no audio will
be heard. The direction of scan, upward or downward, can be changed during the scan by rotating
the main dial or pressing the Mic UP or DOWN keys in the desired direction.
•VFO Scan
Scans all VFO channels in regard to the preset tuning step.
Enter the VFO mode.
Press UP (to go upward) or Down (to go down-
ward) key for more than 1 second but less than
2 seconds, otherwise press H/L key for more
than 2 second.
The scan starts. It stops at the frequency where
an incoming signal is detected, and resumes the
scan according to the resume setting.
Press any key other than UP/DOWN keys, H/L
key and BAND key to exit.
Useful functions
• By pressing the UP/DOWN key for more than 2 seconds the frequency changes as long as the
key is pressed.