Alfa Laval AquaFirst
Installation, service and operating instruction
Display the trend buffer
1. Press
key to access to Service Menu, then click on “Continue”.
Select “Trending” in the menu.
Select “Display Trend Buffer”.
4. Select the variable to display, S1 in this case, and press the wheel.
Date, time and temperature at the time can be read.
For example on 21
of September at 14h22 was the temperature in S1 58°C.
Point Data
From the menu Point Data, it is possible to start/stop a pump, open/close the control valve for example.
This menu includes
read or change analog inputs
read or change digital inputs
read or write digital outputs (start and stop a pump)
read or write analog outputs (open or close control valve for example).
Once test is manually done and finished, remember to put the point on Automatic mode, logo