281 T / 281 W
Ultima modifica/Last Update: 18/03/2008 Rev0 pagina 13 di
The output voltage in
MMA/TIG is zero and
the welding procedure
is blocked in MMA.
Transils on the snubber board 0065 are
ISOTOP diodes are in short circuit.
The inductive value of the Power Trans-
former is null.
Switch off the machine and disconnect the
plug. Remove the snubber board ( above the
ISOTOP diodes):
check with a diode tester the status of the
transils on the snubber board. If it’s dam-
aged, it must be replaced (picture 2);
check with a diode tester the status of the
diodes. If they are damaged, they must be
replaced (picture 2);
Otherwise the Power Transformer could be
damaged, then it must be replaced.
The MMA welding is
non optimal.
Spattering occurs during MMA welding.
Make sure welding polarity is correct, the
earth clamp is fixed correctly and check
the hot-start and arc-force values that have
to be decreased if they are too high.
When welding the pro-
tection devices of the
line set off.
Make sure the welding current does not re-
quire greater power than the one supplied
by the line.
Decrease the welding current.
The remote control
doesn’t work.
Make sure the wiring which goes to the
front panel board is connected.
Check the continuity of the remote con-
trol cable.
The torch potentiometer could be dam-
The military connector is damaged or
Insert the wires into the connectors cor-
rectly and insert the connectors into their
housings. Should this not be sufficient, re-
place the front panel board or the power
The potentiometer must be replaced.
Connect the military connector or replace
The machine does not
strike in HF mode.
The front panel could be damaged.
The HF board could be damaged.
HF board cable could be damaged or
Replace the front panel board; first verify
that the spare part has the right software.
The HF board must be replaced.
Connect the cables or, if damaged, replace
Gas comes out but the
machine doesn’t weld.
Pre-gas settings are not correct.
Regulate pre-gas settings.