281 T / 281 W
Ultima modifica/Last Update: 18/03/2008 Rev0 pagina 12 di
The front panel does
not switch on.
The flat cable that connects the front
panel to the power board is not correctly
The Fuse F4 is damaged.
Switch off the machine and disconnect the
plug. Make sure the flat cable that con-
nects the front panel to the power board is
inserted correctly. If correctly inserted, re-
place the front panel
If the front panel doesn’t work there’s pro-
balby a feeding problem. In this case the
fuse F4 must be replaced (picture 10). If
the problem remains, try to replace the
Power Board the Toroidal Transformers.
Otherwise the front panel can be dam-
aged, so it must be replaced.
The Machine works and
weld but the fan doesn’t
work (the thermal cycle
of the machine are too
The cable that connects the Power
Board to the Fan is not correctly in-
The Fan is Damaged.
Connect the cable or eventually replace it.
The Fan must be replaced.
The output voltage in
MMA/TIG is about 11V
and the Machine does-
n’t weld.
The wires that connect the output filter
board 0031 to the front panel are not
correctly inserted or are damaged.
The power board and/or the front panel
are damaged.
Switch off the machine and disconnect the
Connect the cables or if they are dam-
aged replace them (picture 1);
The damaged boards must be replaced.
The output voltage in
each procedure is about
11V and enabling of the
thermal protection de-
Wait a few minutes keeping the machine on
to favour cooling of the inverter. If the ma-
chine continues running with the protection
devices on, switch the machine off and dis-
connect the plug. Remove the hood and
make sure:
the temperature of the heat sink tool is
less than 40°C;
If it is less than 40°C, check whether the
thermal protective device contacts are
normally closed.
- If one of the protection devices is always
opened it is defective, it must be
accordingly replaced.
- If it is closed, make sure the two terminals
are well inserted in the connector.
- Power board feed problems, it must be
accordingly replaced.