High-Pressure Measuring Control Valve
SER 7716-D1
Alemite Corporation
Revision (11-95)
Troubleshooting Chart
Control Valve in Static Condition or in Unattached Operation
Control Valve Indications
Possible Problems
Continuous product flow
1. Foreign material under Slide Valve and
Seat Assembly (22)
2. Worn or damaged V-Block Packings (4)
1. Disassemble, clean, and inspect seat
area. Check mating surfaces and
replace parts as necessary. Locate
and eliminate source of foreign
material. Clean Strainer (32)
2. Replace V-Block Packings (4)
Lever requires to be more fully
depressed before product appears
1. Valve Guide (23) worn or damaged
2. Valve Actuation Stem (39) worm or
1. Replace Valve Guide (23)
2. Replace Valve Actuation Stem (39)
No product flow during Lever cycle Adjusting Screw (12) set fully closed
Adjust setting.
No product flow upon Lever release Setscrew (19) not adjusted properly
Adjust setting.
Leakage at Extension (40)
Initial tightening not sufficient
1. Tighten Extension (40) into Valve
Body (7)
2. Apply Teflon tape* to Extension
Leakage at rear end of Coupler (41) Initial tightening not sufficient
1. Tighten Coupler into Extension (40)
2. Apply Teflon tape* to Extension
Leakage at Nut (10)
Seal (9) worn or damaged.
Replace Seal (9)
Leakage at vent hole in Cap (18)
Seal (13) worn or damaged.
Replace Seal (13)
Leakage at Packing Screw (35)
Seal (13) worn or damaged.
Replace Seal (13)
Leakage at bottom of Inlet
Handle (28)
1. Initial tightening of Bushing (29) not
2. Crush Gasket (30) not sealing
1. Tighten Bushing (29)
2. Replace Gasket (30)
Control Valve Connected to Fitting
Control Valve Indications
Possible Problems
Leakage at front end of
Coupler (41)
1. Coupler damaged
2. Coupler to fitting mismatch
3. Foreign or damaged fitting
1. Replace Coupler (41)
2. Replace fitting and/or Coupler (41)
3. Replace with Alemite fitting
* Do not apply Teflon tape to the first two (2) threads. Contamination can occur.
Changes Since Last Printing
Added Teflon Back-Up Ring 338971
Deleted Washer 326355
Deleted Washer 310106