Design Guide for the Alcatel
Enterprise – Mobile IP Touch
Figure 2 OmniSwitch 6600-P24 (supporting IEEE 802.3af)
Since the Access Points can not benefit from the Inline Power capabilities of the OmniAccess Wireless Switch,
the Ethernet switch must be capable of supplying sufficient and standard format power (full 15W limit of IEEE
802.3af.) In the event that this can not be achieve, several options are available:
The OmniAccess Access Point can be supported via a localized
external power supply. This AC/DC transformer is the same type
of device used to recharge batteries in PDAs, mobile phones, and
some laptop computers. While an available option, the use of
localized power is discouraged due to the likely location of Access
Point placement and this proximity to AC outlets, fire-code safety
concerns, and power autonomy costs.
External Power Supply
Inline Power Injectors can be used to provide IEEE 802.3af power to
individual Access Points. These low-cost, single port (one in, one out)
injectors can be used in situations where only one or a few devices require
power. These devices require a local AC outlet connection to
produce IEEE power and then inject this power along
with the Ethernet traffic that pass transparently through it.
Inline Power Injector
Much like the above discussed Inline Power Injector, Inline Power
Patch Panels can be used to achieve the same effect when more
than a few devices require IEEE 802.3af power. Alcatel offers
Power Patch Panels in 6, 12, and 24 port varieties.
Power Patch Panel
Quality of Service
The QoS management responsibilities are shared between the SVP Server and the OmniAccess infrastructure
The first responsibility of the SVP Server is to control the number of simultaneous voice flows permitted per
Access Point. While the absolute maximum limit of simultaneous voice conversations per Access Point is 14,
assuming ideal conditions, the actual limits enforced per Access Point must take competition (bandwidth and
radio spectrum sharing with data clients) and signal quality (distance from AP and radio
obstacles/interference) into consideration.
The SVP Server is also tasked with the coordination and synchronization of MIPT traffic on each AP in order to
avoid the collision of MIPT voice flows with each other and other traffic forms. These coordination and
synchronizations activities are performed without any enforceable congestion avoidance or traffic shaping
ESD/ Central Pre Sales / DF/ JM
June 2005 – Ed 01