OmniTouch 8600
My Instant Communicator
OmniTouch 8600 My Instant Communicator
Mobile Edition
April 2010 -
8AL 90820 AAAB
ed 01 Page 3
My Instant Communicator is a
communication device that
allows you to stay in continuous
contact with your company when
you're on the move.
On site in your company or on
business trips, you profit from
the performance capacity of
your company's communication
system on your mobile. You can
manage your calls in real time:
call log consultation, back and
forth between two calls, call
forwarding, conferencing, access
t o y o u r c o m p a n y ' s p h o n e
directory, etc. You can also
access your voicemail (messages
l e f t w h i l e y o u a r e a w a y ,
requests for callback) and your
instant messages.
My Instant Communicator offers
three operating modes to suit
your business throughout the
Business mode: in your office or
on the move, you can access all
o f
y o u r
c o m p a n y ' s
communication services. You
have a unique telephone number
and are thus easy to reach.
Private mode: you only receive
your private calls on your mobile
(your mobile number). Your
business calls are managed by
the system in line with your
p r e f e r e n c e s ( f o r w a r d t o
voicemail or to a colleague's
workstation, etc.) You can view
business events (call log,
voicemail, etc.) when you are
back in business mode.
Semi-private mode: you can view
b u s i n e s s e v e n t s ( c a l l b a c k
request, voicemail, etc.) and
make business calls. But you only
receive private calls on your
My Instant Communicator:
an interactive multimedia device
My Instant Communicator offers you all possible means of reaching
your contacts, in line with each contact's profile.
The multimedia product My Instant Communicator runs on Apple
iPhone, Blackberry, Nokia Eseries, and Windows Mobile®
platforms. Particular attention has been paid to ensuring that the
user experience is easy and consistent across different platforms.