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5.3 WEEE Information
The waste container symbol with the >X< indicates that the device must be dis-
posed of separately from normal domestic waste at an appropriate waste disposal
facility at the end of its useful service life.
El símbolo del contenedor con la cruz, que se encuentra en el aparato, significa
que cuando el equipo haya llegado al final de su vida útil, deberá ser llevado a los
centros de recogida previstos, y que su tratamiento debe estar separado del de
los residuos urbanos.
In compliance with the REACH Candidate List, the delivered product and product packaging do not contain chemic-
alsubstances above a concentration limit of 0.1% weight by weight (w/w). This declaration will be updated whenever-
any changes occur or other chemical substances are added to the REACH Candidate List. Information is cur-
rentlyprovided to consumers upon request.
Proposition 65 requires the provision of a warning to California consumers regarding products contain-
ing certain chemicals:
WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth
defects or other reproductive harm.
5 Compliance
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise
OA5725R Router