Last revised: 1 December 2009
DS-3 I card
There are no Release 9.0 versions for DS-3 I. The cards should run the latest Release
5.2 hardened load available when upgrading the rest of the 3600 MainStreet multishelf
system to Release 9.0.
Release 9.0 supports DS-3 I cards at a Release 5.2 level of functionality. Release 9.0
feature connectivity requires a DS-3 II card. If the 3600 MainStreet multishelf system
using DS-3 I is using Release 9.0 functionality on other peripherals, there is a chance
that the 5620 NM will try to reroute a Release 9.0 connection over the DS-3 I card.
This is not supported and should be prevented.
The minimum software revision for the Release 5.2 DS-3 I card is H115-H2-50,
which has the necessary connection server included. However, it is recommended that
customers use DS-3 I cards with software revision H115-H2-74.
DS-3 II card
Release 9.0 requires the generic of this card to match the 3600 MainStreet generic.
Control card and Memory module
Release 9.0 requires a minimum of Control card 3 with Memory module DMM2.
Release 9.0 cannot be installed on any version of Control card 2 or on a Control card 3
with Memory module II.
3600+ MainStreet Control card and MEM2
Release 9.0 requires that a 3600+ MainStreet Control card be equipped with a MEM2.
A 3600+ MainStreet Control card without a MEM2 is not operational.
3600 MainStreet multishelf upgrade procedure
There can be a mixture of two peripheral releases during the upgrade, but during that
time new connections cannot be added to the multiplexer. Peripheral releases refer to
both PUs and DS-3 cards
DS-3 cards should not be treated any differently from PUs
during an upgrade. At the end of the upgrade procedure, new connections and
functionality can be used once all the peripherals have been upgraded. A 3600
MainStreet multishelf unit that has an upgraded SU and upgraded PUs, but an older
release of DS-3 cards, is in the mixed phase. No new connections should be added and
no new functionality should be used (with the exceptions noted in points 4 and 5).
Lucent 5620 network management rerouting should be disabled during the
upgrade. Following the upgrade, all components of the 3600 MainStreet multishelf
unit (SU, PU, DS-3, SE3 and DE3) should be running the same software generic.
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