Table of Contents
2. Introduction
3. Brief Survey
3.1 General Information
3.2 Functional Concept
3.3 Functional Sequence
3.4 Description A130
3.5 Description A131
3.6 Description A281
3.7 Description O 10
4. Before Using the
4.1 Checking the Safety Brakes
5. Operating the
5.1 Safety Instructions
5.2 Parking Without a Load
5.3 Parking With a Load
5.4 Moving on Level Ground
5.5 Adjusting the Handlebars
5.6 Picking up Loads
5.7 Loading with the Adjustable Toe Plate
5.8 Loading a Vehicle
5.9 Unloading a Vehicle
5.10 Climbing Upstairs
5.11 Climbing Downstairs
5.12 Operation in Single Step Mode
6. Accessories
6.1 Horizontal Platform
6.2 Supporting Frame (only applicable to A281)
6.3 Portable Stairs
6.4 Spare Batteries
7. Maintenance
7.1 General Information
7.2 Retightening the Chain
7.3 Exchanging the Electrical Fuses
7.4 Exchanging the Batteries
8. Lead Batteries
8.1 General Information
8.2 Charging the Lead Batteries
9. Problems and Solutions
10. Warranty and Liability
10.1 Warranty
10.2 Liability
11. Appendix
Noise and Vibrations
Declaration of CE Conformity