PM845G Series Mainboard
Onboard I/O Chip Setup
Power On Function
This option allows you to select how to power on your computer.
Options: Password, Hot KEY, Mouse Left, Mouse Right, Any KEY, BUTTON ONLY,
and Keyboard 98
PWRON After PWR-Fail
Set if restart the system after power fail. Choose On, the system will start whether the
system was on before power failed. Choose Former-Sts, the system will restore to the
status before the power failed. Options: Off (default), On, Former-Sts.
KB Power ON Password
Fill the password in the blank.
HOT Key Power ON
Options: Ctrl – F1, Ctrl – F2, Ctrl – F3, … to Ctrl – F12.
Onboard FDC Controller
Options: Enabled (default), Disabled.
Onboard Serial Port 1
Select an address and corresponding interrupt for the first serial ports. Options: Disabled,
3F8/IRQ4 (default), 2F8/IRQ3, 3E8/IRQ4, 2E8/IRQ3, Auto.
Onboard Serial Port 2
Select an address and corresponding interrupt for the second serial ports.
Options: Disabled, 2F8/IRQ3 (default), 3F8/IRQ4, 3E8/IRQ4, 2E8/IRQ3, Auto.
UART Mode Select
This item allows you to determine which Infra Red (IR) function of onboard I/O chip.
Options: IrDA, ASKIR, Normal (default).
RxD, TxD Active
This item allows you to determine which Infrared (IR) function of onboard I/O chip.
Options: Hi / Lo (default), Hi / Hi, Lo / Hi, Lo / Lo.
IR Transmission Delay
This item allows you to enable/disable IR transmission delay.