Mainboard KM51G-754
Next, <Tab> over to the “Striping Block” option and press <Enter>. A pop menu will display as
shown below. With this option you can manually select the striping block size for your array.
This option will affect data access performance. We recommend that you to select “Optimal”
option for automatic configuration. Press <Enter>.
Next, in the “Free Disks” section, you can use the up/down arrow keys to select disks to be used
in your RAID array. After highlighting a disk, use the right-arrow key to activate the disk as part
of the RAID Array. The selected disk will move over to the “Array Disks” section. You can use
the left-arrow key to reverse your selection. After you finish selecting all your disks, Press <F7>.
A confirmation message will display as shown below. Then press <Y> to complete the RAID
array creation.