OG-ROI Series openGear card v1.6 21 www.aja.com
If you anticipate that the input format may change, and if the current
configuration settings wouldn't make sense for a different input format, you can
enable Auto Bypass Mode (Auto Bypass Mode checkbox is selected from the
Input tab). When enabled, Auto Bypass Mode forces the OG-ROI card to use Auto
in all applicable settings when the input format changes.
When the original input format is re-connected, the OG-ROI will exit Auto Bypass
Mode and restore all previously configured settings for that format.
Click and Drag Options
When using the drag method for region-of-interest placement or resizing, you
can use the Increased Drag Precision functionality for precise adjustments.
Increased Drag Precision
For more control, select the Increased Drag Precision checkbox. While dragging
the image, you will notice that the selection changes in a more gradual pixel-by-
pixel manner regardless of your drag speed.
Arrow Keys
You can use the keyboard arrows to increment size and placement of a variable
region-of-interest selection one pixel at a time in X, Y, H, W fields. (The up/down
arrow keys can also be used to step through some menu selections.)
Output Screen
Click on the Output Tab to adjust the following parameters.
NOTE: Portions of this screen are grayed out if no input signal is present.