FS-HDR Frame Synchronizer/Converter/HDR-WCG Processor v1.0r1 84 www.aja.com
Figure 33. Downconvert Illustrations
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Downconvert Illustrations
16:9 Downconverts To
These displays on 4:3
AFD and Conversion
Active Format Description (AFD) codes are carried in the vertical ancillary
(VANC) portion of HD SDI video signals, specified in SMPTE 2016 as follows: “AFD
information is intended to guide DTV receivers and/or intermediate professional
video equipment regarding the display of video of one aspect ratio on a display
of another aspect ratio.” Because Auto AFD mode fully defines the size, position,
and aspect ratio of the output raster, any Custom Size/Pos settings and any
Region Of Interest settings are ignored, and those menus are hidden. FS-HDR AFD
processing (passing, removing, and re-inserting) occurs based on the setting of
SCALE Menu Group
IMPORTANT: In Four Channel Mode, the settings in this menu group apply only to the
selected Video Processor (VID1- VID 4).
Custom Conversion Settings
The custom settings determine the image size and shape for Upconvert mode if
you choose the Custom selection for those modes.
Custom settings are stored separately for each Conversion Mode. Values for each
of the Upconvert modes and SD Aspect Ratio modes (excluding OFF), plus no
conversion (or HD CrossConvert), are independently stored.