2.- Connecting the thermostats
Connect each thermostat to the terminal corresponding to its zone module. Use the appropriate cable: shielded twisted cable
formed by 4 wires: 2x0.22 mm
2 +
(AWG 20 – 4 wired).
In case of Wireless thermostat, check it has the battery on.
3.- Configuration and connection of the relay radiant heat control module
If you have a relay radiant heat control module, configure the SW2 microswitch
depending on the zones to control.
For example:
The relay to control the radiant element of a zone module with address 6 is the
R1 of the radiant heat control module with address configured for zones 6-10.
Once configured, perform the connection with the radiant elements to control per each relay output of the module.
Control relay specs: Imax = 1 A at 24/48 V, voltage-free.
Note that to control elements with a greater power, it is recommended to use contactors in accordance
with the power required. Remember to connect the neutral connector directly from the circuit to the
element to be controlled.
4.- Connection to the ducted unit
In order to connect it to ducted unit,
follow the instructions of the communication gateway sheet
. It is recommended to
install the thermostat of the unit.
5.- Connection of the zone modules with the elements/systems to control (Cassette, Split, etc.)
You can find the instructions on how to connect these elements to the zone modules on their data sheets.
Terminals of zone module
Zones 1-5
Zones 6-10