bottom surface facing upwards, the openings at the downwind end of the take-off area, and the harness at
the trailing edge at the upwind side.
3) Unroll the canopy to each side so that the leading edge openings form a semicircular shape, with the
trailing edge drawn together as the centre of the arch. The harness should be drawn away from the
canopy until the suspension lines are just tight.
Chapter III
Preflight Inspection
The Magic is designed to be as simple as possible to inspect and maintain but a thorough preflight
procedure is mandatory on all aircraft. The following preflight inspection procedure should therefore be
carried out before each flight.
1) Whilst opening out the paraglider check the outside of the canopy for any tears where your paraglider
may have been caught on barbed wire or even have been damaged whilst in its bag.
2) Check that the lines are not twisted or knotted. Divide the suspenion lines into six groups, each group
coming from one riser. By starting from the harness and running towards the canopy remove any tangles
or twists in the lines. Partially inflating the canopy in the wind will help to sort out the lines.
3) It is particulary important that the brakes are clear and free to move. Check the knot which attaches the
brake handels to the brake lines. Several knots should be used here or they may get entlangled in the
brake pulleys. Both brakes should be the same lenght and this can be checked by an assistant holding the
upper end of the brake lines together, whilst the pilot holds the brake handles. The lenght of the brake
lines should be such that they are just slack with the wing inflated when the brakes are not applied. After
checking the brake lines lay them on the ground.
4) Always check the buckles and attachments on the harness. Ensure the two main attachment
maillons/karabiners from the harness to the main risers are tightly done up, as well as the six shackles
which attach the risers to the lines.
5) Before the pilot attaches himself to the harness he should be wearing a good crash helmet, and boots
which provide ankle support. Put on the harness ensuring all the buckles are secure and properly adjusted
for comfort. Your paraglider is now ready for flight.
Chapterl IV
Flight Characteristics
This manual is not intended as an instruction book on how to fly the Magic, you should be a qualified pilot
or under suitable supervision, but the following comments describe how to get the best from your Magic.
Active Piloting
Active piloting is flying in empathy with your paraglider. This means not only guiding the glider through the
air but also being aware of feedback from the wing, especially in thermals and turbulence. If the air is
smooth the feedback can be minimal but in turbulence feedback is continuous and needs to be constantly
assessed by the pilot through the brakes and the harness. Such reactions are instinctive in good pilots.
Maintaining contact with the glider through pressure on the brakes is essential and allows the pilot to feel
the loss of internal pressure which often preceds a collapse. The Magic is highly resistant to collapse
without any pilot action at all, but learning how to fly actively will increase this saftey margin even furthur.