AirScape 2.5e Whole House Fan Installation Manual, 03152016
©AirScape, Inc., 2016. All Rights Reserved.
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The 2.5e WHF hasbeen designed to fit on top of a 14½"
x 22½" wall or ceiling opening. Since most modern
houses have been built with either 16" or 24" on-center
(O/C) spaced joists or studs, a simple "box" is construct-
ed in the wall as ceiling, as shown at right in Figure 1.
There are two different installation methods de-
termined by how the 2.5e’s fan assembly will be moved
into the attic. Follow the instructions that apply to your
If there is an existing attic access large enough for
the fan assembly to fit through:
16” O/C Framing
Install two 14½" cross pieces creating a box with inside dimensions 14½" x 22½".
2. Cut out dry wall inside the framed box.
24” O/C Framing
Install two 22½" cross pieces creating a box with inside dimensions of 14½" x 22½".
2. Cut out dry wall inside the framed box.
If the fan assembly must fit through the hole that is framed for it:
16” O/C Framing (shown in Figure 2 below)
Cut out the dry wall between the joists to create a 23” x 14½" rough opening.
2. Fit the fan assembly through the rough opening and into the attic.
Install two 14½" cross pieces creating a box with inside dimensions of 14½" x 22½". Make sure each
cross piece partially covers the drywall cut out. Approximately ¼” of each cross piece should be visible
from below.
24” O/C Framing (shown in Figure 3 below)
Cut a 23” x 14½" opening in the dry wall, use an existing joist as the 23” long side.
2. Fit the fan assembly through the rough opening and into the attic.
Install cross pieces creating a box with inside dimensions of 14½" x 22½". Make sure each cross piece
partially covers the drywall cut out. Approximately ¼” of each cross piece should be from below.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3