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Additional guidance:
1. The number and height of the users allowed is stated on the front of the castle and
this must be strictly adhered to.
one with any pre-existing injuries or health concerns is allowed on the bouncer.
3. We recommend at least 4 supervisors to be inside of the unit and at least 4
supervisors to be around the inflatable positioned at the entrances and emergency
exits’ of the unit. Due to the size of the inflatable all supervisors must be fully aware of
the evacuation procedures and emergency plans.
4. Separate users into groups of approximately the same height, this is avoid the more
boisterous users coming into contact with the smaller users.
5. It is imperative for the unit to be positioned in a place where there is enough free
space above it in order to avoid contact with any cables, branches etc.
6. Make sure that the unit is positioned in a place where there is enough space around
the entrances and the exit doors in order to allow users to enter and exit in a safely
manner also in case of evacuation.
Setting up:
Your unit comes in four parts which will need to be connected before inflation.
The outer edges of the unit have big anchors (fig.1) and the inner part of the unit has
small anchors (fig.2).