Copyright
Statement
AirMobi
is
the
registered
trademark
of
Shenzhen
Huaxunark
Technology
Co.,
Ltd.
Other
trademark
or
trade
name
mentioned
herein
are
the
trademark
or
registered
trademark
of
the
company.
Copyright
of
the
whole
product
as
integration,
including
its
accessories
and
software,
belongs
to
Shenzhen
Huaxunark
Technology
Co.,
Ltd.
Without
the
permission
of
Shenzhen
Huaxunark
Technology
Co.,
Ltd.,
individual
or
party
is
not
allowed
to
copy,
plagiarize,
imitate
or
translate
it
into
other
languages.
All
the
photos
and
product
specifications
mentioned
in
this
manual
are
for
references
only,
as
the
upgrading
of
software
and
hardware,
there
will
be
changes.
And
if
there
are
changes,
AirMobi
is
not
responsible
for
informing
in
advance.
If
you
want
to
know
more
information
about
our
products,
please
visit
our
website
at
www.cctairmobi.com.