AirLive WL-1200CAM
User’s Manual
2.7.1 Camera Information
Camera information allows you to set the name and administrator
’s password of this camera.
The descriptions of every setting in this menu will be given below:
Camera Name
Please specify the name of this IP Camera here. This can be used to
identify your camera on the network when you have more than one
IP camera in the same network.
Default name begins with
‘IC-‘ plus the last 6 characters of the MAC
address of this IP camera. You can modify the name to the one you
can remember and meaningful to you, but never give all IP cameras
in the same network with same name.
Please specify user name
‘admin’ ‘s password here. (The one you
need when you log onto web management interface and use
as user name.
Confirm Password
Please input the same password again, to make sure there
’s no
‘Apply’ to save settings and make the new settings take effect.