For Cable Modem and DSL Users
Step 1
Power off the Cable/DSL modem, router, and computer and wait for
5 minutes
Step 2
Turn on the Cable/DSL modem and wait for the lights on the modem to settle down.
Step 3
Turn on the router and wait for the lights on the router to settle down.
Step 4
Turn on the computer.
Step 5
Redo the Setup Wizard.
Step 6
Verify the Connection Status as described in
Section 4
Section 7
Technical Support
E-mail: [email protected]
Toll Free: 1-888-746-3238
Web Site:
Section 6
Connecting to the Router Wirelessly
Below are the default wireless settings of the router. You must configure your wireless network card to the
same settings in order to establish a wireless connection to the router. Please refer to your wireless
network card’s manual on how to configure these settings.
Operating Mode:
Open System
Channel #:
You may need to restart your computer after establishing a signal strength/link quality with the router.