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What the units include can vary depending on the sales area.
Week programme programming
Adjust wk. prog.
Press + and -
To go to the week-clock programme
programming mode press the + and –
buttons simultaneously. See the instruc-
tions in 4.1.
Erasing week programme
Erase wk. prog.
Press + and -
You can totally erase the week pro-
gramme by pressing the + and – but-
tons simultaneously.
Choosing basic humidity level
Rh-level setting
The basic humidity level can be cho-
sen as either automatic or manual.
The selection is done with the + and
– buttons.
Basic humidity level setpoint
Basic %RH level
The desired setpoint is chosen with the
+ and – buttons when manual adjust-
ment has been selected as the Rh level
setting (humidity setting, Section 3.7).
3.9 Changing setpoint for carbon dioxide adjustment
CO2 setting
0900 PPM
The setpoint for CO
adjustment is cho-
sen with the + and – buttons.
Adjustment interval
Adjust interval
The adjustment interval for humidity and
carbon dioxide adjustments is selected
with the + and – buttons. The adjust-
ment interval refers to minutes.
Changing operating temperature of
heat recovery cell bypass
Cell bypass
The desired cell bypass temperature
is selected with the + and – buttons. If
outdoor temperature is lower than cell
bypass temperature, the summer/win-
ter damper is in the winter position.
Mode of operation of fi replace/booster switch
Switch type
fi replace switch
The mode of operation of the switch
(either fi replace or booster switch) is
selected with the + and – buttons.
Address of control panel
Panel address
The address of the control panel is
changed with the + and – buttons. Two
control panels cannot have the same
address. If control panels have the
same address, they go to bus fault state
and do not work.
Contrast of control panel display
Display contrast
The contrast setting for the control panel
display is changed with the + and –
Restoring factory settings
Factory settings
see manual
The general factory settings can be
restored by pressing the + and – buttons
simultaneously. Remember to ensure that
the setpoints are in accordance with the
factory settings for this unit.
Choosing cascade adjustment for supply air temperature
Cascade adjust
Cascade adjustment is chosen to be on
or off with the + and – buttons.
Choosing post-heating for the unit
Radiator type
Electric rad.
A water or electric radiator is selected
with the + and – buttons, depending on
the type of post-heating radiator the unit
is equipped with. Note! Choosing the
wrong type of post-heating may cause
a faulty post-heating function.
Choosing additional heater for unit
Extraheater type
Electric rad.
An electric or MLV radiator is chosen
according to ventilation unit type with
the + and – buttons. This unit can be
used only for electric heater setting
MLV additional heater setpoint
MLV winter temp
Changing MLV radiator setpoint. When
outdoor air temperature goes below this
setpoint, the ventilation unit starts the
MLV pump. If a message “Preheating
not in use” is displayed, no setpoint is
in use.
Choosing melting mode
Defrost mode
Choose one of the two modes of mel-
ting to be used in the unit. Melting is
done either by stopping the supply air
fan or by bypassing the HR cell.
Winter parameter A
Winterparam. A
The winter function of the unit is adju-
sted from the menu when it is not too
cold outside (warmer than –15 °C).
Decreasing the value of the parameter
increases the freezing of the HR cell.
Increasing the value decreases the freezing of the HR cell. The unit ope-
rates optimally on the factory settings. There is no need to adjust this set-
point except in extreme problem situations, and even then it is advisable
to contact Vallox Maintenance. The adjustment is made with the + and
– buttons. See the table for the factory setting.
Winter parameter B
Winterparam. B
The winter function of the unit is adju-
sted from the menu in very cold weat-
her (colder than –15 °C). Increasing
the value of the parameter increases
the freezing of the HR cell.
Decreasing the value decreases the freezing of the HR cell. The unit
operates optimally on the factory settings. There is no need to adjust this
setpoint except in extreme problem situations, and even then it is advisab-
le to contact Vallox Maintenance. The adjustment is made with the + and
– buttons. See the table for the factory setting.
Setting base fan speed
MIN speed
The desired base fan speed (minimum
fan speed) is chosen with the + and
– buttons. Active when week-clock
control is not on. Week-clock control
changes this speed.
Choosing maximum fan speed
MAX speed
The desired maximum fan speed is
selected with the + and – buttons.
Maximum fan speed is on either with
adjustments or always. See Section
3.25. Mode of operation of maximum
speed setting.
Mode of operation of maximum speed setting
MAX speed limit
with adjustments
The maximum fan speed setting can
be selected to be active either only in
connection with (carbon dioxide and
humidity) sensor adjustments or perma-
nently. The selection is done with the +
and – buttons.