System Boot-Up Sequence
: If "A:, C:" (default), the BIOS will look
for bootable operating system files from floppy drive A: first before
looking for them in drive C:. You can reverse this sequence by
selecting "C:, A:".
External Cache Memory
: Select "Enabled" to enable external on-
board cache memory.
Internal Cache Memory
: Select "Enabled" to enable the cache
memory inside the 486 CPU chip.
Password Checking Option
: Choose "Setup" or "Always". default
setting is "Setup". The password feature can be used to prevent
unauthorized system boot-up or unauthorized use of BIOS SETUP.
Each time the system is turned on, the pass word prompt
If there is a password set, the Password prompt only
appears if you attempt to enter the BIOS Setup program.
If there is no set password, the Password Checking
Option is disabled. You create a password by using
"CHANGE PASSWORD" in the Main Menu.
Video ROM Shadow C000, 32K
: Shadowing helps to speed up
BIOS access by copying BIOS code to fast 32-bit RAM area and
executes it from there. The default setting is "Enabled".
Adapter ROM Shadow
: Default setting is "Disabled". If you have
other expansion cards with ROMs on them such as SCSI controller,
you will need to know which addresses the ROMs use.
Boot Sector Virus Protection
: Select 'Enabled' to protect the Boot
sector of your hard disk from software virus such as "Michael
486MI System Board User's Manual Page 29