Owner’s Manual: Air Water Life Aqua-Ionizer Deluxe 7.0
Acidic water continues to drip from the Acid Water Outlet
Hose for 10 to 20 seconds after dispensing alkaline water.
This is a normal phenomenon. The excess acidic water is
"divided" from the alkaline water as part of the ionization process
and then dispelled through the outlet tube.
Water is very slow producing little no water.
The hydraulic/water pressure may be too low. Turn your
faucet on high and fully open the Faucet Diverter Valve to increase
the pressure. If this doesn't correct the problem, check to make
sure that the water filter isn't blocked.
pH testing reveals that the actual pH of Alkaline water is
slighter higher or lower than the factory defined range for a
particular preset.
a) If the pH is somewhat higher than normal, it is generally
a normal phenomenon following installing a new Inner Carbon
Water Filter. Generally the pH will settle back into the normal range
with a week of installing the new filter; b) If the pH is slightly lower
than normal, descaling the unit will usually alleviate this problem; or
c) If the pH variance is more extreme, you may want to move up or
down to the next preset level to achieve the desired pH level.
Acidic water seems to have an unusual smell or odor.
This acidic water smell is a normal byproduct of electrolysis
reacting with the chloride in the water.
After replacing the Inner Carbon Water Filter the unit
continues prompt the user to replace the filter.
After replacing the water filter you must pres and hold the
"Set" button for at least 5 seconds to clear the filter replacement
After replacing the Inner Carbon Water Filter fine black
particles appear in the water.
These particles are harmless no toxic carbon residue from
the water filter. This generally occurs when you forget to flush the
filter under tap water for a few minutes prior to installation. Simply
run water through the water ionizer for a few minutes and the
particles will disappear.