2.2.3 Harness adjustments
Proper hang point and harness adjustment is necessary for maximum thrust at take off,
flying comfort, and ease of launch. This adjustment is ideally done with the all-up weight of
the pilot.
1. SUSPEND THE PARAMOTOR: It has to be suspended from the hang points with the pilot
sitting in the harness.
2. ADJUST THE HANG POINTS: Loosen the head screws on the black collets so that they can
move along the bars. The propeller axle should tilt slightly backwards as shown by the
following picture:
For the best torque compensation in flight, please place the black collet under the right
pilot arm 1 cm more forward than the collet under the left arm. When the adjustment is
done, tighten the collet screws.
Warning: If you forget to adjust the harness or you do it improperly, it could
cause serious problems during the flight or it could even prevent you from taking