7.5 General Tips
Any large volume room can be divided into smaller ones using a foil. In this case the smaller
spaces can be ozonated one by one. The perceptible smell of ozone does not indicate its
presence. The mist which can be noticed after the process is a natural occurrence caused by
ozone reaction with volatile organic substances.
7.6 “How long should the process last?”
There is no set rule for how long the ozonator should work. The recommended time is
between 15 minutes and 2 hours depending on the type of bad smell in the room. Easy to
neutralise smells include: cigarette smoke, burned food or other smells coming through the
airflow. Among the harder ones are urine, spilled substances and other smells originating
from liquids that sinked into the floor or walls.
7.7 Mold removal
At first remove the source of the problem, ozone doesn’t rid of the mold inside the walls, only
purifies the surface. The infected area should be drenched with the anti-mold liquid. After the
chemical procedure the ozonation can be carried out in order to eliminate the spores from the
air and neutralize the bad smell.
7.8 Warnings
● The Ozonation mode should not be used by people with odor disorders
● There should be unoccupied space left around the device during the ozonation.
● Do NOT check the ozone generation by smelling the air directly from the outlet
● Short-term high concentration ozone inhalation as well as long-term ozone intake
can cause serious negative physiological effects.
● DO NOT inhale the ozone directly from the device.
8. Other uses
AIO - Instruction of use, Version 2, Date: 16.06.2020
Vegetables & Fruits
10-20 min It kills viruses, removes fertilizer residues, prevents
chronic poisoning and extends food storage time.
Skin and beauty
20-30 min Ozonated water can remove bacteria inside the pores
and promote metabolism. It can also help with
removing cosmetics debris
Hands and feet
20-30 min It kills bacteria and epiphytes. It allows you to keep
hands clean, sterile and protect against infection.
Clothes & Uniforms
5-10 min
Ozonated water can effectively deodorize fabrics and