The threads at the mid-section of the 2-pieced pole have been lubricated at the factory
before packing. You can lubricate the threads regularly, e.g. every 5th time you mount the
pole or at least every other month. Besides oil, you can lubricate the threads with for
example petroleum jelly. Tighten the upper and lower part of the pole together with your
hands. You don’t need any tools. You can ease the upper part onto the lower part by
turning the upper part clockwise. Then screw the lock screw located on the side of the pole
clockwise with the hex wrench included in the package (picture 6). When disassembling
the pole, first open the lock screw and then twist the pole parts apart with your hands. If
the parts do not move with reasonable force, for example a wet towel might be of help.
Picture 6.
Tightening/opening the lock screw