7. Power supply
7.4 Switching ON / OFF, reinitialization
To switch the device ON press and release
(6) located in the middle
of the cursor block. The first thing to appear in the display is always the mea-
suring menu.
To switch OFF press and hold down the same key(s)
. When the de-
vice switches OFF all saved values and settings are retained intact.
(see 7.5)
If interference (e.g. electrostatic) or a malfunction (e.g. battery failure) causes
the device to behave abnormally, it can be reinitialized. To activate
press and hold down key
when switching on. To completely reinitialize all
device programming (including device designation) to the factory defaults keep
pressed when switching on. In so doing certain parameters will be
lost or be returned to their defaults : Language = German, illumination = OFF.
7.5 Data buffering
The sensor's programming is stored in the EEPROM on the sensor connector;
the device's calibration values and programmed parameters are stored in the
EEPROM on the instrument itself; in the event of failure both will be retained in-
tact. When the device is simply switched off, the date and time-of-day settings
and the individual value memory on the data logger are retained intact; how-
ever, if the device is reset or the batteries are replaced, this will all be lost.
The following special devices can be connected at input sockets M0 and M1
(1) on the measuring instrument :
stationary high-precision psychrometer FPA836-3P3, digital D6 NTC psy-
chrometer FNAD46-3, or D6 humidity sensor FHAD36-RS. Or of course a
high-precision Pt100 sensor FPA923-L0250 with range P314 (0.001K) can be
8.1 Sensors / transducers
All the afore-mentioned sensors with an ALMEMO
plug have their measuring
range and units already programmed and can thus be connected to the mea-
suring sockets without any further adjustment. A mechanical coding system
ensures that sensors and output modules can only be connected to the correct
sockets. All ALMEMO
plugs incorporate two snap-lock levers; these snap into
position as soon as the plug is inserted into the socket, thus preventing unin-
tended disconnection if the cable is pulled accidentally. To withdraw the plug
both these levers must first be pressed in at the sides.
Splash-proof variants of devices in the ALMEMO
1036 series are also avail-
able as options. For this purpose new sensors are now available with spray-
coated ALMEMO
plugs incorporating a double sealing lip specially designed to
protect the socket unit against penetration by splashing water. For any unused
sockets protective stoppers are available.