Installation, Operation & Maintenance Parksafe Gas Detector
Rev: 9 10-20
Creating a Detector Chain
Up to 16 Parksafe detectors can be connected, chained in a parallel ‘daisy chain’ method up to approx.
500 yards from the panel depending on chain configuration, wire type for power and condition. Any other
way may cause issues or damage to the overall system.
It is recommended that the cable of same color should be used to connect all [D+] terminals together and
similarly cable of same color to be used to connect all [D-] terminals together.
**Split chain example. **Single chain example
**Where connections may exceed 500 yards from one control panel – Contact your supplier!
120ohm Termination Resistance
Signal communication issues may occur where the bus length is too long, high
baud rates are used or signal reflections are occurring.
To avoid this, terminating at each end of a chain may help the quality of the data
signal by turning on the 120ohm terminal resistor switch.
Split chain Single chain
Quick Circuit Test
When the test button on the detector board is pressed and held – the detector will simulate an open
circuit to ensure all configured systems, outputs, alarms, indications and other external devices operate as
intended in response to gas. When the test button is released – the test sequence will terminate and
return to normal operation.
It is recommended testing your detectors with a certified calibrated gas!
For more information refer to section: Maintenance & Testing.