a- Folding the extensions
Follow the procedure below to fold your Maximulch:
- Place the folding extensions' roller arms in the highest
MULTISTOP position (e.g. 15). This allows the rollers to be retracted
within the machine as much as possible in their transport position (see
section on adjusting the roller's height). The rollers must therefore
remain within the regulatory width (width of less than 2.98m during
Fold the machine
- The hydraulic locking kits will be engaged otherwise put
the mechanical locking kit in place (depending on the model)
b- Unfolding the extensions
Follow the procedure below to unfold your Maximulch:
- Place the roller arms in the MULTISTOP position required for working
- Actuate the hydraulic locking hoses by pressurising them or remove the mechanical
locking kit (depending on the model)
Actuate the hydraulic unfolding hoses by pressurising them until the extensions arrive
at the mechanical stop. The hoses must be operated with care.
Some MAXIMULCH series 3 machines have hydraulic unfolding and
To do this, the following procedure must be followed:
c- Folding the roller
1. Fold the roller using the tractor's hydraulic distributor
2. Close the safety valve under the MAXIMULCH's coupler head
d- Unfolding the roller
Open the safety valve under the MAXIMULCH's coupler head
Unfold the roller using the tractor's hydraulic distributor
Leave the tractor's hydraulic distributor pressurised during field
There must be nobody within 50 metres of the machine when you
are folding or unfolding the MAXIMULCH's roller.
Never put the MAXIMULCH in the earth if the roller is not unfolded