AGRETO VibroCounter
© AGRETO electronics GmbH
Working with the device
The VibroCounter is permanently switched on and continuously displays the
sum of the counted hours (0 to 99999) and minutes (00 to 59).
The flashing hyphen means that the counter is currently detecting a vibration
and adding up the time.
Once the count is activated, at least 2 minutes are counted. If no further
movement is detected within these 2 minutes, counting will stop after 2 minutes.
If another movement is detected within these 2 minutes, the minimum time of 2
minutes will start again.
The permanently lit hyphen means that the counter does not detect any
vibration at the moment and does not count time.
The counter has no control elements and thus no reset function or zeroing
function. In order to determine the operating hours of individual operations, note
the meter reading before and after each operation.
Maintenance and cleaning
The VibroCounter basically does not require ongoing maintenance.
If the display is dirty, clean it for reading.
If the display brightness becomes too low, the battery life has expired and
the counter needs to be replaced.