Installation Note
Option BAB, 3.5 mm RF Connectors Option 518, Type-N RF Connectors Installation Kit
8. Refer to
. Remove the chassis side right (outer)
by removing the screws
using the T-10 driver.
Figure 5
RF Side Chassis Removal
9. Remove the RF Output connector
and cable W4. Replace with the new RF Output
connector and cable from the kit. Leave the screws loose.
10.Install the EMI O-ring on the RF Output connector.
11.Remove the RF Input connector
and cable W3. Replace with the new RF Input
connector and cable from the kit. Torque the screws to 9 inch-pounds and the cable to
10 inch-pounds.
12.Install the EMI O-ring on the RF Input connector.
13.Refer to
. Carefully position the chassis side
onto the chassis, taking care
to align W4 and W5 into the front panel connectors. Replace the screws
. Torque to
9 inch-pounds.
14.Check the connection between the three semi-rigid cables and the three front panel
connectors. Torque the remaining screws to 9 inch-pounds and the cables to
10 inch-pounds.
15.Reattach the ribbon cable W1.