Compliance and automated testing
Compliance applications make testing to today’s technologies
standards easy
The remote programming interface makes it easy to control
automation applications via your PC
PrecisionProbe is fully integrated in 90000 X-Series automation
Today’s demanding environment means you have much less
time to understand the intricacies of the technologies you are
testing. You also have less time to develop and test automa-
tion software that is designed to increase measurement
throughput and decrease time to market. Agilent’s compli-
ance applications save you time and money with measure-
ment automation built into the compliance application. No
longer do valuable resources need to be exclusively tied to
writing automation software – instead they can be deployed
to designing the next big project.
Compliance applications that run on 90000 X-Series oscillo-
scopes are certified to test to the exact specifications of each
technology standard. If a test passes on the 90000 X-Series
scope in your lab, you can be assured that it will pass in
test labs and at plug fests worldwide. Agilent experts on
technology boards and industry standards committees help
define compliance requirements. As a result, you can be
sure that 90000 X-Series oscilloscope tools deliver to critical
specifications. Setup wizards combined with intelligent test
filtering give you confidence you’re running the right tests.
Comprehensive HTML reports with visual documentation
and pass/fail results guarantee that critical information is
retained on each test.
Quick and easy automated switching
Only Agilent’s 90000 X-Series oscilloscopes feature compli-
ance applications with both the user-defined application’s
add-in capability and integrated PrecisionProbe compensa-
tion. Switch paths can vary in their characteristics and have
unwanted loss. By enabling PrecisionProbe in its compliance
applications, 90000 X-Series scopes allow you to characterize
and compensate for every path in the switch, making every
path’s frequency response identical in both magnitude and
phase. These tools makes switch automation quick and
painless. The 90000 X-Series and its compliance applications
make automation more automated than ever. Your technicians
no longer need to spend valuable time physically changing