Figure 4. Original 500 x 500 µm survey scan. Carbon fi bers are standing on end in the
lower part of the image and in the upper left they are laying fl at.
Figure 5. Left: 500 x 500 µm scan of carbon fi bers over 18 µm of height deviation. Right
top: 40 µm scan of feature shown in 3D. Bottom right: 40 µm scan of carbon fi ber ends
after polynomial leveling.
Figure 3. New test method gives complex modulus of highly plasticized PVC as a function
of frequency (diamonds). Values compare well with dynamic mechanical analysis under
similar conditions (solid line).
NanoSuite 6.2 also supports new
batch capabilities for Express Test!
This new mode lets G200 users,
in one batch defi nition, prescribe
multiple Express Test arrays on
multiple samples to run unattended.
With the previous version of
NanoSuite, users had to utilize
Express Test in individual mode
and could only prescribe one array
at a time.
New 2D and 3D Graph Plotting
and Exporting
Two-dimensional graphs can
be plotted on the screen in
NanoSuite 6.2 and then exported
directly to Microsoft Excel: axis
titles, scales, and all. This thoughtful
functionality gives users the ability
to export the graph they are viewing
straight to Excel exactly as it appears
on the monitor.
Versatile Imaging and
Survey Scanning
NanoSuite 6.2 provides a wide array
of imaging capabilities, including
profi le cross-sectional imaging,
real-time adjustment of scanning
parameters, polynomial distortion or
leveling correction, plane-fi t leveling,
and a broad color palette.