8495D/K Attenuators Operating And Service Manual 9
Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions
Do not apply power greater than 1 W average, or 100 W peak with a
maximum pulse width of 10 microseconds. If these limits are exceeded, the
attenuators may be damaged.
For the 8495K, do not ground both solenoid drive pins of the programmable
attenuator at the same time. This causes rapid cycling of the solenoid and
could reduce the operating life of the attenuator. The rapid cycling may
produce a buzzing sound from the attenuator.
Operating Information
Either RF connector may be used as the input or output connector. Connect
the solenoid drive cable of the programmable attenuator to the solenoid drive
connector (Jl). By applying the proper voltage and grounds to the proper
pins of Jl, the attenuator will either increase or decrease the amount of
attenuation as selected.