Agilent Technologies 3000 Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 11


I/O Module Installation and Configuration

I/O Module Configuration


Turn on the oscilloscope.


Press front panel 




Select the I/O Setting menu key.


Set the 

RS-232 Baud

 menu to the same baud rate as that of the PC.


Start the terminal-emulator program.


Send the *IDN? query.

The oscilloscope responds by returning the identification string of the 


Attach a probe between channel 1 and the probe calibration connector.


From the terminal-emulator program, send the AUTO command.

The oscilloscope responds by displaying the 3V square wave on the screen.

RS-232 Troubleshooting

If the oscilloscope does not respond, check the following items.


Check the I/O module for proper installation.


Check the RS-232 cable for proper installation and that the RS-232 cable 
is connected tightly to the PC and oscilloscope.


Check baud rate, data bit, stop bit, flow control, odd and even 
calibration is correct is correctly set on the PC.


Check that the RS-232 baud rate of the oscilloscope is the same as the 


Verify that the RS-232 cable is correct as shown in Table 3.

Table 3  

RS-232 Cable Definition




NC  (No connection)


RxD (Receive data)


TxD (Transmit data)


NC  (No connection)


GND (Signal ground)


NC  (No connection)


NC  (No connection)


NC  (No connection)


NC  (No connection)

Содержание 3000 Series

Страница 1: ...Agilent Technologies Agilent 3000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Reference ...

Страница 2: ...ies oscilloscope commands and syntax Each of the remaining chapters describe the set of commands that belong to an individual subsystem and explains the function of each command Chapter 4 Common Commands on page 27 Chapter 5 Root Level Commands on page 33 Chapter 6 ACQuire Commands on page 41 Chapter 7 BEEP Commands on page 47 Chapter 8 CHANnel n Commands on page 51 Chapter 9 COUNter Commands on p...

Страница 3: ...5 White Space Separator 15 Braces 16 Ellipsis 16 Square Brackets 16 Program Message Terminator 16 Block Data 17 Remote Command Tips 17 3 Commands Quick Reference 4 Common Commands CLS Clear Status 29 IDN Identification Number 30 OPC Operation Complete 31 RST Reset 32 5 Root Level Commands AUTO 35 ForceTrig 36 RUN 37 STOP 38 Trig 50 39 6 ACQuire Commands AVERages 43 MODE 44 SRATe 45 TYPE 46 7 BEEP ...

Страница 4: ...7 PROBe 58 SCALe 59 9 COUNter Commands ENABle 63 VALue 64 10 DISPlay Commands CLEar 67 GRID 68 MENUdisplay 69 PERSistence 70 SCReen 71 TYPE 72 11 KEY Commands Commands for Front Panel Actions 75 LOCK 77 12 MASK Commands ENABle 81 OPERate 82 OUTPut 83 SOURce 84 STOPonoutput 85 X 86 Y 87 ...

Страница 5: ...ERshoot 96 PDUTycycle 97 PERiod 98 PREShoot 99 PWIDth 100 RISetime 101 VAMPlitude 102 VAVerage 103 VBASe 104 VMAX 105 VMIN 106 VPP 107 VRMS 108 VTOP 109 14 SAVerecall Commands LOAD 113 LOCation 114 SAVE 115 TYPE 116 15 TIMebase Commands DELayed 119 HOLDoff 120 POSition 121 SCALe 122 SCAN 123 ...

Страница 6: ...Deo POLarity 136 VIDeo STANdard 137 VIDeo SYNC 138 17 WAVeform Commands DATA 141 ERASeofroll 142 MAXPeakdetect 143 MEMorydata 144 MINPeakdetect 145 SCREENDATA 146 SCREENMAX 147 SCREENMIN 148 SOURce 149 STARtofroll 150 SYSMemsize 151 TPOSition 152 WINDowzoom 153 WINMemsize 154 WPOSition 155 XEND 156 XINCrement 157 XORigin 158 XSTart 159 YINCrement 160 YORigin 161 ...

Страница 7: ...7 1 I O Module Installation and Configuration ...

Страница 8: ... I O module N2861A provides an RS 232 serial port and a GPIB port that can be used to remotely program the 3000 Series oscilloscopes Figure 2 shows the back panel installation location for the I O module Figure 2 Back Panel I O Module Connector I O Module Screw Holes USB Connector Power Connector ...

Страница 9: ...start the oscilloscope The system will automatically detect the I O module For example a message at boot up stating Communication module installed means the IO module has been installed while a message stating No module installed means there is no I O module In this case please check that the module is seated correctly Be sure to turn off the power before installing the I O module ...

Страница 10: ...d rate can be set to one of the following values 300 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 Table 1 RS 232 Data Format Testing the RS 232 Interface 1 Connect the oscilloscope to a computer using the appropriate RS 232 cable 2 On the PC run a terminal emulator program Make sure the PC serial port is set as follows Table 2 PC RS 232 Setup Function Setting Data bit 8 bit Flow control Not available Stop bit 1 Odd...

Страница 11: ... square wave on the screen RS 232 Troubleshooting If the oscilloscope does not respond check the following items 1 Check the I O module for proper installation 2 Check the RS 232 cable for proper installation and that the RS 232 cable is connected tightly to the PC and oscilloscope 3 Check baud rate data bit stop bit flow control odd and even calibration is correct is correctly set on the PC 4 Che...

Страница 12: ...o the address you want to use Make sure that this address is exclusive and is not used by any other equipment on the bus 7 Send the IDN query 8 The oscilloscope responds by returning the identification strings of the oscilloscope 9 Attach a probe between channel 1 and the probe calibration connector 10 From the terminal emulator program send the AUTO command The oscilloscope responds by displaying...

Страница 13: ...13 2 Introduction to Programming ...

Страница 14: ... normally appear as ASCII character strings embedded inside the output statements of a host language available on your computer The input commands of the host language are used to read responses from the oscilloscope Instruction Header The instruction header is one or more command mnemonics separated by colons They represent the operation to be performed by the oscilloscope See the Programming Con...

Страница 15: any program data parameters you do not need to include any white space In this manual white space is defined as one space ASCII defines a space to be character 32 in decimal Command Truncation Rule Themnemonicisthefirstfourcharactersofthekeyword unlessthefourthcharacter is a vowel Then the mnemonic is the first three characters of the keyword If the length of the keyword is four characters or l...

Страница 16: ... brackets are optional Program Message Terminator The program instructions within a data message are executed after the program message terminator is received The terminator may be either an NL New Line character an EOI End Or Identify asserted in the GPIB interface or a combination of the two Asserting the EOI sets the EOI control line low on the last byte of the data message The NL character is ...

Страница 17: ...unsigned hex value to an integer and use the formula 125 integer data value YINCrement YORigin YINCrement and YORigin are real numbers Remote Command Tips Tip When writing automated testing routines using the 3000 Series oscilloscope be sure to use the OPC query The OPC query returns a value of 1 when the oscilloscope is finished executing the last command Waiting for the OPC query to return a 1 b...

Страница 18: ...18 ...

Страница 19: ...19 3 Commands Quick Reference ...

Страница 20: ...mber of the instrument serial number the serial number of the instrument XX XX XX the software revision of the instrument n a OPC 1 RST n a n a Root Commands AUTO n a n a ForceTrig n a n a RUN n a n a STOP n a n a Trig 50 n a n a ACQuire Commands ACQuire AVERages count ACQuire AVERages count 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 ACQuire MODE mode ACQuire MODE mode RTIMe ETIMe n a ACQuire SRATe return_value NR3 f...

Страница 21: ...2 CHANnel n SCALe range CHANnel n SCALe range 2mv to 5v Probe 1x 20mv to 50v Probe 10x 200mv to 500v Probe 100x 2v to 5000v Probe 1000x n 1 2 COUNter Commands COUNter ENABle 1 ON 0 OFF COUNter ENABle 1 0 n a COUNter VALue return_value NR3 format DISPlay Commands DISPlay CLEar n a n a DISPlay GRID grid DISPlay GRID grid FULL HALF NONE DISPlay MENUdisplay time DISPlay MENUdisplay time 1s 2s 5s 10s 2...

Страница 22: ..._SCALE_INC n a n a KEY CURSOR n a n a KEY DISPLAY n a n a KEY F1 n a n a KEY F2 n a n a KEY F3 n a n a KEY F4 n a n a KEY F5 n a n a KEY FORCE n a n a KEY LOCK ENABle DISable KEY LOCK ENABle DISable KEY MAIN_DELAYED n a n a KEY MATH n a n a KEY MEASURE n a n a KEY MNU_ON_OFF n a n a KEY MODE_COUPLING n a n a KEY PROMPT_TIME n a n a KEY REF n a n a KEY RUN n a n a KEY SAVE_RECALL n a n a KEY SINGLE...

Страница 23: ...s MEASure CLEar n a n a MEASure FALLtime source MEASure FALLtime source source CHANnel n n 1 2 return_value string MEASure FREQuency source MEASure FREQuency source source CHANnel n n 1 2 return_value NR3 format MEASure NDUTycycle source MEASure NDUTycycle source source CHANnel n n 1 2 return_value string MEASure NWIDth source MEASure NWIDth source source CHANnel n n 1 2 return_value NR3 format ME...

Страница 24: ...e VBASe source source CHANnel n n 1 2 return_value NR3 format MEASure VMAX source MEASure VMAX source source CHANnel n n 1 2 return_value NR3 format MEASure VMIN source MEASure VMIN source source CHANnel n n 1 2 return_value NR3 format MEASure VPP source MEASure VPP source source CHANnel n n 1 2 return_value NR3 format MEASure VRMS source MEASure VRMS source source CHANnel n n 1 2 return_value NR3...

Страница 25: ...evel 12div to 12div TRIGger EDGE SLOPe POSitive NEGative TRIGger EDGE SLOPe POSitive NEGative TRIGger EDGE SOURce src TRIGger EDGE SOURce src CHANnel n EXT EXT5 ACLine n 1 2 TRIGger EDGE SWEep AUTO NORMal TRIGger EDGE SWEep AUTO NORMal TRIGger MODE mod TRIGger MODE mod EDGE PULSe TV TRIGger PULSe MODE mod TRIGger PULSe MODE mod GREaterthan LESSthan EQUal GREaterthan LESSthan EQUal TRIGger PULSe WI...

Страница 26: ...tofroll roll_start_pos integer in NR1 format n a WAVeform SYSMemsize memory_data_size integer in NR1 format n a WAVeform TPOSition trig_pos integer in NR1 format n a WAVeform WINDowzoom window_zoom integer in NR1 format n a WAVeform WINMemsize window_data_size integer in NR1 format n a WAVeform WPOSition wave_pos integer in NR1 format n a WAVeform XEND screen_wave_endx integer in NR1 format n a WA...

Страница 27: ...27 4 Common Commands ...

Страница 28: ...ruments Common commands can be received and processed by the oscilloscope whether they are sent over the GPIB as separate program messages or within other program messages The common commands implemented in the 3000 Series oscilloscopes are CLS Clear Status on page 29 IDN Identification Number on page 30 OPC Operation Complete on page 31 RST Reset on page 32 ...

Страница 29: ...29 Common Commands CLS Clear Status CLS Clear Status Command CLS The CLS command clears all status and error registers ...

Страница 30: ...OGIES model serial_number rev_number NL model Oscilloscope model number serial_number Specifies the serial number of the oscilloscope The first four digits and letter are the serial prefix which is the same for all identical oscilloscopes The last five digits are the serial suffix which is assigned sequentially and is different for each oscilloscope rev_number Specifies the software revision numbe...

Страница 31: ...ands OPC Operation Complete OPC Operation Complete Query OPC The OPC query places an ASCII character 1 in the oscilloscope s output queue when all pending selected device operations have finished Returned Format 1 NL ...

Страница 32: ...32 Common Commands RST Reset RST Reset Command RST The RST command places the oscilloscope in a known state This command loads the Factory setup ...

Страница 33: ...33 5 Root Level Commands ...

Страница 34: ...nds are always recognized by the parser if they are prefixed with a colon regardless of the current tree position After executing a root level command the parser is positioned at the root of the command tree These root level commands and queries are implemented in the 3000 Series oscilloscopes AUTO on page 35 ForceTrig on page 36 RUN on page 37 STOP on page 38 Trig 50 on page 39 ...

Страница 35: where no waveform is found It adjusts the vertical gain and offset for each channel that has a waveform and sets the time base on the lowest numbered input channel that has a waveform The trigger is found by first searching external trigger inputs then searching each channel starting with channel 1 then channel 2 until a trigger waveform is detected If waveforms cannot be found on any vertical ...

Страница 36: ...vel Commands ForceTrig ForceTrig Command ForceTrig The ForceTrig command starts an start an acquisition even if a valid trigger has not been found This command has no effect if the acquisition is already stopped ...

Страница 37: ...scilloscope running When the oscilloscope is running it acquires waveform data according to its current settings Acquisition runs repetitively until the oscilloscope receives a STOP command or until a single acquisition has occurred when the Trigger Sweep is set to Single ...

Страница 38: ...38 Root Level Commands STOP STOP Command STOP The STOP command causes the oscilloscope to stop acquiring data To restart the acquisition use the RUN command ...

Страница 39: ...39 Root Level Commands Trig 50 Trig 50 Command Trig 50 The Trig 50 command sets the trigger level to the middle of the waveform ...

Страница 40: ...40 ...

Страница 41: ...41 6 ACQuire Commands ...

Страница 42: ...ACQuire subsystem commands set up conditions for acquiring waveform data These ACQuire commands and queries are implemented in the 3000 Series oscilloscopes AVERages on page 43 MODE on page 44 SRATe on page 45 TYPE on page 46 ...

Страница 43: ...mand ACQuire AVERages 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 The ACQuire AVERages command sets the number of averages for the waveforms Query ACQuire AVERages The ACQuire AVERages query returns the number of averages Returned Format 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 NL ...

Страница 44: ...e ACQuire MODE RTIMe command sets the oscilloscope in real time mode This mode is useful to inhibit equivalent time sampling at fast sweep speeds The ACQuire MODEL ETIMe command sets the oscilloscope in equivalent time mode Query ACQuire MODE The ACQuire MODE query returns the acquistion mode of oscilloscope Returned Format RTIM ETIM NL ...

Страница 45: ...ommand ACQuire SRATe Query ACQuire SRATe The ACQuire SRATe query returns the current oscilloscope acquisition sample rate The sample rate is not directly controllable Returned Format sample_rate NL sample_rate sample rate in NR3 format ...

Страница 46: ...types are NORMal AVERage and PEAK The ACQuire TYPE NORMal command sets the oscilloscope in the normal mode The ACQuire AVERage command sets the oscilloscope in the averaging mode The ACQuire TYPE PEAK command sets the oscilloscope in the peak detect mode Query ACQuire TYPE The ACQuire TYPE query returns the current acquisition type Returned Format NORMal AVERage PEAK NL ...

Страница 47: ...47 7 BEEP Commands ...

Страница 48: ...48 BEEP Commands The BEEP subsystem commands control all beep functions of the oscilloscope These BEEP commands and queries are implemented ENABle on page 49 ...

Страница 49: ... ENABle Command BEEP ENABle 1 ON 0 OFF The BEEP ENABle command enables the audible beep on the oscilloscope Query BEEP ENABle The BEEP ENABle query shows whether the audible beep is enabled or disabled Returned Format 1 0 NL ...

Страница 50: ...50 ...

Страница 51: ...51 8 CHANnel n Commands ...

Страница 52: ...commands control all vertical Y axis functions of the oscilloscope These CHANnel n commands and queries are implemented BWLimit on page 53 COUPling on page 54 DISPlay on page 55 INVert on page 56 OFFSet on page 57 PROBe on page 58 SCALe on page 59 ...

Страница 53: ...Nnel n BWLimitcommandcontrolsaninternallow passfilter When the filter is on the bandwidth of the specified channel is limited to approximately 25 MHz n 1 or 2 Query CHANnel n BWLimit The CHANnel n BWLimit query returns the current setting of the low pass filter Returned Format 1 0 NL ...

Страница 54: ...y of the specified channel on or off The CHANnel n COUPling command selects the input coupling for the specified channel The coupling for each channel can be set to AC DC or GND n 1 or 2 Query CHANnel n COUPling The CHANnel n COUPling query returns the current coupling for the specified channel Returned Format DC AC GND NL ...

Страница 55: ...l n DISPlay 1 ON 0 OFF The CHANnel n DISPlay command turns the display of the specified channel on or off n 1 or 2 Query CHANnel n DISPlay The CHANnel n DISPlay query returns the current display condition for the specified channel Returned Format 1 0 NL ...

Страница 56: ...l n INVert command selects whether or not to invert the input signal for the specified channel The inversion may be 1 ON inverted or 0 OFF not inverted n 1 or 2 Query CHANnel n INVert The CHANnel n INVert query returns the current state of the channel inversion Returned Format 1 0 NL ...

Страница 57: ...l n OFFSet command sets the voltage that is represented at the center of the display for the selected channel n 1 or 2 offset_value 8div to 8div Query CHANnel n OFFSet The CHANnel n OFFSet query returns the current offset value for the specified channel Returned Format offset_value NL ...

Страница 58: ...tenuation factor may be 1 10 100 or 1000 This command does not change the actual input sensitivity of the oscilloscope It changes the reference constants for scaling the display factors for making automatic measurements and for setting trigger levels n 1 or 2 attn_value 1 10 100 1000 Query CHANnel n PROBe The CHANnel n PROBe query returns the current probe attenuation factor for the selected chann...

Страница 59: ...the vertical scale of the channel in units per division The legal values for the scale range from 2 mV to 5 V when the probe attenuation factor is 1x 20 mV to 50 V when the probe attenuation factor is 10x 200 mV to 500 V when the probe attenuation factor is 100x 2 V to 5000 V when the probe attenuation factor is 1000x Query CHANnel n SCALe The CHANnel n SCALe query returns the current scale settin...

Страница 60: ...60 ...

Страница 61: ...61 9 COUNter Commands ...

Страница 62: ...62 COUNter Commands The COUNter subsystem commands control all frequency counter functions of the oscilloscope These COUNter commands and queries are implemented ENABle on page 63 VALue on page 64 ...

Страница 63: ...ate time for the measurement is automatically adjusted to be 100 ms or twice the current time window whichever is longer up to 1 second The frequency counter can measure frequencies up to 125 MHz The minimum frequency supported is 1 2 X gate time The Y cursor shows the the edge threshold level used in the measurement Query COUNter ENABle The COUNter ENABle query shows whether the frequency counter...

Страница 64: ...64 COUNter Commands VALue VALue Query COUNter VALue The COUNter VALue query returns the frequency counter value Returned Format counter_value NL counter_value in Hz in NR3 format ...

Страница 65: ...65 10 DISPlay Commands ...

Страница 66: ...the display of data text and grids and the use of color These DISPlay commands and queries are implemented in the 3000 Series oscilloscopes CLEar on page 67 GRID on page 68 MENUdisplay on page 69 PERSistence on page 70 SCReen on page 71 TYPE on page 72 ...

Страница 67: ...mand clears the display and resets all associated measurements If the oscilloscope is stopped all currently displayed data is erased If the oscilloscope is running all of the data for active channels and functions is erased however new data is displayed on the next acquisition ...

Страница 68: ...lloscope has a 12 by 8 unit display grid a grid line is place on each vertical and horizontal division In HALF grid mode only the major horizontal and vertical axes with tic marks are shown When it is off NONE a frame with tic marks surrounds the grid edges Query DISPlay GRID The DISPlay GRID query returns the current grid setting Returned Format FULL HALF NONE NL ...

Страница 69: ...10s 20s INFinite The DISPlay MENUdisplay command sets the amount of time that a menu display once activated Query DISPlay MENUdisplay The DISPlay MENUdisplay query returns the amount of time that the on screen menu appears when activated Returned Format 1s 2s 5s 10s 20s INFinite NL ...

Страница 70: ...nce of waveforms off or on When persistence is OFF waveforms are erased from the screen at the end of each trigger cycle When persistence is ON waveforms are not erased with each trigger cycle but accumulates over time Query DISPlay PERSistence The DISPlay PERSistence query returns the state of the persistence control Returned Format 1 0 NL ...

Страница 71: ...rted The DISPlay SCReen command sets the color scheme of the display When set to inverted display colors are changed to their inverse colors Query DISPlay SCReen The DISPlay SCReen query returns the state of the screen control Returned Format NORMal INVerted NL ...

Страница 72: ...ets the way that waveforms are drawn When set to VECTors waveforms are drawn with lines connecting adjacent sample points When set to DOTS only the waveform sample points are drawn Query DISPlay TYPE The DISPlay TYPE query returns the state of the type control Returned Format DOTS VECTors NL ...

Страница 73: ...73 11 KEY Commands ...

Страница 74: ...any of the basic operations of the oscilloscope that you can select by pressing the front panel keys These KEY commands and queries are implemented in the 3000 Series oscilloscopes Commands for Front Panel Actions on page 75 LOCK on page 77 ...

Страница 75: the CH1 key KEY CH1_POS_DEC Turning the channel 1 Vertical Position knob counterclockwise KEY CH1_POS_INC Turning the channel 1 Vertical Position knob clockwise KEY CH1_SCALE_DEC Turning the channel 1 Vertical Scale knob counterclockwise KEY CH1_SCALE_INC Turning the channel 1 Vertical Scale knob clockwise KEY CH2 Pressing the CH2 key KEY CH2_POS_DEC Turning the channel 2 Vertical Position kno...

Страница 76: ...ecall key KEY SINGLE Pressing the Single key KEY TIME_POS_DEC Turning the Horizontal Position knob counterclockwise KEY TIME_POS_INC Turning the Horizontal Position knob clockwise KEY TIME_SCALE_DEC Turning the Horizontal Scale knob counterclockwise KEY TIME_SCALE_INC Turning the Horizontal Scale knob clockwise KEY TRIG_LVL_DEC Turning the Trigger Level knob counter clockwise KEY TRIG_LVL_INC Turn...

Страница 77: ...K LOCK Command KEY LOCK ENABle DISable The KEY LOCK command enables or disables the front panel Query KEY LOCK The KEY LOCK query returns the current state of the front panel lock control Returned Format ENABle DISable NL ...

Страница 78: ...78 ...

Страница 79: ...79 12 MASK Commands ...

Страница 80: ... controls the Mask Test function These MASK commands and queries are implemented in the 3000 Series oscilloscopes ENABle on page 81 OPERate on page 82 OUTPut on page 83 SOURce on page 84 STOPonoutput on page 85 X on page 86 Y on page 87 ...

Страница 81: ...ENABle ENABle Command MASK ENABle 1 ON 0 OFF The MASK ENABle command enables or disables the Mask Test function Query MASK ENABle The MASK ENABle query returns the state of the mask enable control Returned Format 1 0 NL ...

Страница 82: ...ERate Command MASK OPERate RUN STOP The MASK OPERate command runs or stops the Mask Test function Query MASK OPERate The MASK OPERate query returns whether the Mask Test function is running or stopped Returned Format RUN STOP NL ...

Страница 83: ...SOUND The MASK OUTPut command specifies the condition that when detected will cause an indication and whether the indication will include an audible beep Query MASK OUTPut The MASK OUTPut query returns the current output setting Returned Format FAIL FAIL_SOUND PASS PASS_SOUND NL ...

Страница 84: ...HAN1 CHAN2 The MASK SOURce command selects either channel 1 or channel 2 as the source for the Mask Test Query MASK SOURce The MASK SOURce query returns the channel that is currently selected as the source for the Mask Test Returned Format CHAN1 CHAN2 NL ...

Страница 85: ...MASK STOPonoutput 1 ON 0 OFF The MASK STOPonoutput command specified whether the Mask Test stops when the output condition occurs Query MASK STOPonoutput The MASK STOPonoutput query returns the state of the stop on output control Returned Format 1 0 NL ...

Страница 86: ... MASK X value The MASK X command sets the mask s horizontal failure margin value 0 4 div to 4 div Query MASK X The MASK X query returns the current horizontal failure margin setting Returned Format value NL value 0 4 div to 4 div ...

Страница 87: ...nd MASK Y value The MASK Y command sets the mask s vertical failure margin value 0 4 div to 4 div Query MASK Y The MASK Y query returns the current vertical failure margin setting Returned Format value NL value 0 4 div to 4 div ...

Страница 88: ...88 ...

Страница 89: ...89 13 MEASure Commands ...

Страница 90: ... Series oscilloscopes CLEar on page 91 FALLtime on page 92 FREQuency on page 93 NDUTycycle on page 94 NWIDth on page 95 OVERshoot on page 96 PDUTycycle on page 97 PERiod on page 98 PREShoot on page 99 PWIDth on page 100 RISetime on page 101 VAMPlitude on page 102 VAVerage on page 103 VBASe on page 104 VMAX on page 105 VMIN on page 106 VPP on page 107 VRMS on page 108 VTOP on page 109 ...

Страница 91: ...91 MEASure Commands CLEar CLEar Command MEASure CLEar The MEASure CLEar command clears the on screen measurement results ...

Страница 92: ...ays the on screen fall time measurement Query MEASure FALLtime CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure FALLtime query returns the fall time Returned Format value NL value Time from the upper threshold time to the lower threshold time Note the value returned can contain a character so it is best to read this value as a string ...

Страница 93: ...nd displays the on screen ffrequency measurement Query MEASure FREQuency CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure FREQuency query returns the measured frequency Returned Format value NL value The frequency value in Hertz of the first complete cycle on the screen using the mid threshold levels of the waveform in NR3 format ...

Страница 94: ...ays the on screen negative duty cycle measurement Query MEASure NDUTYcycle CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure NDUTycycle query returns the measured negative duty cycle in percent Returned Format value NL value The ratio of the negative pulse width to the period Note the value returned contains a character so read it as a string ...

Страница 95: ...isplays the on screen negative pulse width measurement Query MEASure NWIDth CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure NWIDth query returns the measured width of the first negative pulse Returned Format value NL value Thewidthofthefirstnegativepulseonthescreenusing themid thresholdlevels of the waveform in NR3 format ...

Страница 96: ...shoot command displays the on screen overshoot measurement Query MEASure OVERshoot CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure OVERshoot query returns the measured overshoot Returned Format value NL value Ratio of overshoot to amplitude in percent Note the value returned contains a character so read it as a string ...

Страница 97: ...ays the on screen positive duty cycle measurement Query MEASure PDUTYcycle CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure PDUTycycle query returns the measured positive duty cycle in percent Returned Format value NL value The ratio of the positive pulse width to the period Note the value returned contains a character so read it as a string ...

Страница 98: ...1 CHANnel2 The MEASure PERiod command displays the on screen period measurement Query MEASure PERiod CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure PERiod query returns the measured period Returned Format value NL value Period of the first complete cycle on the screen in NR3 format ...

Страница 99: ...EShoot command displays the on screen preshoot measurement Query MEASure PREShoot CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure PREShoot query returns the measured preshoot Returned Format value NL value Ratio of preshoot to amplitude in percent Note the value returned contains a character so read it as a string ...

Страница 100: ...IDth command displays the on screen positive pulse width measurement Query MEASure PWIDth CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure PWIDth query returns the measured width of the first positive pulse Returned Format value NL value Width of the first positive pulse on the screen in seconds in NR3 format ...

Страница 101: ...RISetime command displays the on screen rise time measurement Query MEASure RISetime CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure RISetime query returns the rise time Returned Format value NL value Rise time in seconds Note the value returned can contain a character so it is best to read this value as a string ...

Страница 102: ...litude command displays the on screen voltage amplitude measurement Query MEASure VAMPlitude CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure VAMPlitude query returns the calculated difference between the top and base voltage Returned Format value NL value Calculated difference between the top and base voltage in NR3 format ...

Страница 103: ...1 CHANnel2 The MEASure VAVerage command displays the on screen average voltage measurement Query MEASure VAVerage CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure VAVerage query returns the calculated average voltage Returned Format value NL value The calculated average voltage in NR3 format ...

Страница 104: ...Nnel2 The MEASure VBASe command displays the on screen base voltage measurement Query MEASure VBASe CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure VBASe query returns the measured voltage value at the base Returned Format value NL value Voltage at the base of the waveform in NR3 format ...

Страница 105: ...e MEASure VMAX command displays the on screen maximum voltage measurement Query MEASure VMAX CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure VMAX query returns the measured absolute maximum voltage Returned Format value NL value Absolute maximum voltage present on the waveform in NR3 format ...

Страница 106: ...e MEASure VMIN command displays the on screen minimum voltage measurement Query MEASure VMIN CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure VMIN query returns the measured absolute minimum voltage Returned Format value NL value Absolute minimum voltage present on the waveform in NR3 format ...

Страница 107: ...ANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure VPP command displays the on screen peak to peak voltage measurement Query MEASure VPP CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure VPP query returns the peak to peak voltage Returned Format value NL value Peak to peak voltage in NR3 format ...

Страница 108: ...HANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure VRMS command displays the on screen RMS voltage measurement Query MEASure VRMS CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure VRMS query returns the RMS voltage Returned Format value NL value RMS voltage of the selected waveform in NR3 format ...

Страница 109: ...ANnel2 The MEASure VTOP command displays the on screen voltage at the top measurement Query MEASure VTOP CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The MEASure VTOP query returns the measured voltage at the top Returned Format value NL value Voltage at the top of the waveform in NR3 format ...

Страница 110: ...110 ...

Страница 111: ...111 14 SAVerecall Commands ...

Страница 112: ...rform the setup and waveform storage operations This allows saving and loading of waveforms and setups These SAVerecall commands and queries are implemented in the 3000 Series oscilloscopes LOAD on page 113 LOCation on page 114 SAVE on page 115 TYPE on page 116 ...

Страница 113: ...AD LOAD Command SAVerecall LOAD The SAVerecall LOAD command restores a setup or a waveform from the storage area defined by the SAVerecall LOCation command The SAVerecall TYPE command determines if a waveform or setup is loaded ...

Страница 114: ...5 6 7 8 9 10 The SAVerecall LOCation command defines which storage location is used by the SAVerecall LOAD and SAVerecall SAVE commands Query SAVerecall LOCation The SAVerecall LOCation query returns the currently selected storage location Returned Format 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NL ...

Страница 115: ...ommand SAVerecall SAVE The SAVerecall SAVE command saves a setup or a waveform to a storage area The SAVerecall LOCation command determines which storage area is used The SAVerecall TYPE command determines if a waveform or setup is saved ...

Страница 116: ...all TYPE WAVeforms SETups The SAVerecall TYPE command defines whether a waveform or setup is stored in the storage location Query SAVerecall TYPE The SAVerecall TYPE query returns the currently selected storage type Returned Format WAVeforms SETups NL ...

Страница 117: ...117 15 TIMebase Commands ...

Страница 118: ...ubsystem commands control the horizontal X axis oscilloscope functions These TIMebase commands and queries are implemented in the oscilloscope DELayed on page 119 HOLDoff on page 120 POSition on page 121 SCALe on page 122 SCAN on page 123 ...

Страница 119: ...yed Command TIMebase DELayed 1 ON 0 OFF The TIMebase DELayed command enables or disables the Delayed Sweep mode Query TIMebase DELayed The TIMebase DELayed query returns the state of the Delayed Sweep mode control Returned Format 1 0 NL ...

Страница 120: ...oscope s waiting period before starting a new trigger During the holdoff time oscilloscope will not trigger until the holdoff has expired Holdoff can be used to stabilize a waveform holdoff_time 100 ns to 1 5 s Query TIMebase HOLDoff The TIMebase HOLDoff query returns the current holdoff time value Returned Format holdoff_time NL holdoff_time in NR3 format ...

Страница 121: ...e If the horizontal time base is set between 50 s div and 50 ms div the delayed trigger time range is If the horizontal time base is set to less than 50 ms div then the delayed trigger time range is Query TIMebase POSition The TIMebase POSition query returns the value of the delayed trigger Returned Format delay_time NL delay_time 6div time base setting delay_time 14div time base setting to 1s ...

Страница 122: ...splayed as Time on the oscilloscope screen time The time value is in a 1 2 5 sequence for example 1 0E 9 2 0E 9 5 0E 9 1 0E 00 2 0E 00 5 0E 00 from 1 ns div to 50 s div DSO3202A 2 ns div to 50 s div DSO3152A and DSO3102A 5 ns div to 50 s div DSO3062A Query TIMebase SCALe The TIMebase SCALe query returns the current horizontal time setting Returned Format time NL ...

Страница 123: ...123 TIMebase Commands SCAN SCAN Query TIMebase SCAN The TIMebase SCAN query returns whether the oscilloscope is in the Roll Mode 1 yes 0 no Returned Format 1 0 NL ...

Страница 124: ...124 ...

Страница 125: ...125 16 TRIGger Commands ...

Страница 126: ...e the conditions for triggering The command set has been defined to closely represent the front panel trigger menus These TRIGger commands and queries are implemented in the 3000 Series oscilloscopes EDGE COUPling on page 127 EDGE LEVel on page 128 EDGE SLOPe on page 129 EDGE SOURe on page 130 EDGE SWEep on page 131 MODE on page 132 PULSe MODE on page 133 PULSe WIDTh on page 134 STATus on page 135...

Страница 127: ... sources The coupling can be set to DC AC HF or LF DC sets the input coupling to DC AC sets the input coupling to AC 50 Hz cutoff LF sets the input coupling to low frequency reject 100 kHz cutoff HF sets the input coupling to high frequency reject 10 kHz cutoff Query TRIGger EDGE COUPling The query returns the currently selected edge coupling Returned Format DC AC HF LF NL ...

Страница 128: ...EDGE LEVel Command TRIGger EDGE LEVel level The TRIGger EDGE LEVel command specifies the trigger level level A number in the range of 12div to 12div Query TRIGger EDGE LEVel The query returns the trigger level Returned Format level NL ...

Страница 129: ...nd TRIGger EDGE SLOPe NEGative POSitive The TRIGger EDGE SLOPe command specifies the slope of the edge used to trigger the oscilloscope Query TRIGger EDGE SLOPe The query returns the currently selected edge slope Returned Format NEGative POSitive NL ...

Страница 130: ...TRIGger EDGE SOURe CHANnel1 CHANnel2 EXT EXT5 ACLine The TRIGger EDGE SOURe command sets the source used for triggering Query TRIGger EDGE SOURe The query returns the currently selected trigger source Returned Format CHANnel1 CHANnel2 EXT EXT5 ACLine NL ...

Страница 131: ...s a trigger which causes the oscilloscope to sweep If the frequency of your waveform is 20 Hz or less you should not use the AUTO sweep mode because it is possible that the oscilloscope will automatically trigger before your waveform trigger occurs NORMal When you select MORMal if no trigger occurs the oscilloscope will not sweep and no waveform data will appear on the screen Query TRIGger EDGE SW...

Страница 132: ...ger Commands MODE MODE Command TRIGger MODE EDGE PULSe TV The TRIGger MODE command sets the trigger mode Query TRIGger MODE The query returns the currently selected trigger mode Returned Format EDGE PULSE TV NL ...

Страница 133: ...han LESSthan EQUal The TRIGger PULSe MODE command sets the pulse trigger mode The options are for positive pulses the options are for negative pulses Query TRIGger PULSe MODE The query returns the currently selected pulse trigger mode Returned Format GREaterthan LESSthan EQUal GREaterthan LESSthan EQUal NL ...

Страница 134: ...ommand TRIGger PULSe WIDTh width The TRIGger PULSe WIDTh command specifies the pulse trigger width width 20 ns to 10 s Query TRIGger PULSe WIDTh The query returns the current pulse trigger width setting Returned Format width NL width in NR3 format ...

Страница 135: ...135 TRIGger Commands STATus STATus Query TRIGger STATus The query returns the current trigger status Returned Format STOP T D WAIT NL ...

Страница 136: ...y Command TRIGger VIDeo POLarity POSitive NEGative The TRIGger VIDeo POLarity command sets the edge of the sync pulse to trigger on Query TRIGger VIDeo POLarity The query returns the current sync pulse edge setting Returned Format POSitive NEGative NL ...

Страница 137: ...mmand TRIGger VIDeo STANdard NTSC PALSecam The TRIGger VIDeo STANdard command sets they type of video waveform to trigger on Query TRIGger VIDeo STANdard The query returns the currently selected video trigger waveform type Returned Format NTSC PALSecam NL ...

Страница 138: ...and sets the line or field in the video waveform to trigger on FIELd1 triggers on an odd field PIELd2 triggers on and even field LINE triggers on a selected line ALLLines triggers on all lines Query TRIGger VIDeo SYNC The query returns the current video trigger line field setting Returned Format FIELd1 FIELd2 LINE ALLLines NL ...

Страница 139: ...139 17 WAVeform Commands ...

Страница 140: ...ies oscilloscopes DATA on page 141 ERASeofroll on page 142 MAXPeakdetect on page 143 MEMorydata on page 144 MINPeakdetect on page 145 SCREENDATA on page 146 SCREENMAX on page 147 SCREENMIN on page 148 SOURce on page 149 STARtofroll on page 150 SYSMemsize on page 151 TPOSition on page 152 WINDowzoom on page 153 WINMemsize on page 154 WPOSition on page 155 XEND on page 156 XINCrement on page 157 XOR...

Страница 141: ...query outputs waveform data to the computer over the selected interface This query is the same as the WAVeform SCREENDATA query Use the WAVeform SOURce command to determine which channel waveform data is output Returned Format block_data NL See Also Block Data on page 17 ...

Страница 142: ...nds ERASeofroll ERASeofroll Query WAVeform ERASeofroll The WAVeform ERASeofroll query returns the width in points of the erase band when in Roll Mode Returned Format roll_erase_wid NL roll_erase_wid integer in NR1 format ...

Страница 143: ...detect query outputs the peak detect maximum waveform data to the computer over the selected interface This query is the same as the WAVeform SCREENMAX query Use the WAVeform SOURce command to determine which channel waveform data is output Returned Format block_data NL See Also Block Data on page 17 ...

Страница 144: ...ydata The WAVeform MEMorydata query outputs the reference memory waveform data to the computer over the selected interface Use the WAVeform SOURce command to determine which channel waveform data is output Returned Format block_data NL See Also Block Data on page 17 ...

Страница 145: ...detect query outputs the peak detect maximum waveform data to the computer over the selected interface This query is the same as the WAVeform SCREENMIN query Use the WAVeform SOURce command to determine which channel waveform data is output Returned Format block_data NL See Also Block Data on page 17 ...

Страница 146: ...orm SCREENDATA query outputs waveform data to the computer over the selected interface This query is the same as the WAVeform DATA query Use the WAVeform SOURce command to determine which channel waveform data is output Returned Format block_data NL See Also Block Data on page 17 ...

Страница 147: ...ry outputs the peak detect maximum waveform data to the computer over the selected interface This query is the same as the WAVeform MAXPeakdetect query Use the WAVeform SOURce command to determine which channel waveform data is output Returned Format block_data NL See Also Block Data on page 17 ...

Страница 148: ...ry outputs the peak detect maximum waveform data to the computer over the selected interface This query is the same as the WAVeform MINPeakdetect query Use the WAVeform SOURce command to determine which channel waveform data is output Returned Format block_data NL See Also Block Data on page 17 ...

Страница 149: ...mmand WAVeform SOURce CHANnel1 CHANnel2 The WAVeform SOURce command selects a channel as the waveform source Query WAVeform SOURce The WAVeform SOURce query returns the currently selected waveform source Returned Format CHANnel1 CHANnel2 NL ...

Страница 150: ...mands STARtofroll STARtofroll Query WAVeform STARtofroll The WAVeform STARtofroll query returns the waveform s starting position when in Roll Mode Returned Format roll_start_pos NL roll_Start_pos Integer in NR1 format ...

Страница 151: ...e SYSMemsize Query WAVeform SYSMemsize The WAVeform SYSMemsize query returns the points value of the waveform in system memory Returned Format memory_data_size NL memory_data_size Integer in NR1 format See Also MEMorydata on page 144 ...

Страница 152: ...ion The WAVeform TPOSition query returns the points value in the current waveform preamble The points value is the number of time buckets contained in the waveform selected with the WAVeform SOURce command Returned Format trig_pos NL trig_pos Integer in NR1 format ...

Страница 153: ...153 WAVeform Commands WINDowzoom WINDowzoom Query WAVeform WINDowzoom The WAVeform WINDowzoom query returns zzz Returned Format window_zoom NL window_zoom Integer in NR1 format ...

Страница 154: ...e WINMemsize Query WAVeform WINMemsize The WAVeform WINMemsize query returns the points value of the waveform in the window s memory Returned Format window_data_size NL window_data_size Integer in NR1 format See Also DATA on page 141 ...

Страница 155: ...AVeform Commands WPOSition WPOSition Query WAVeform WPOSition The WAVeform WPOSition query returns the points value in the current waveform position Returned Format wave_pos NL wave_pos Integer in NR1 format ...

Страница 156: ...156 WAVeform Commands XEND XEND Query WAVeform XEND The WAVeform XEND query returns the horizontal end position points value Returned Format screen_wave_endx NL screen_wave_endx Integer in NR1 format ...

Страница 157: ... currently specified waveform source For time domain waveforms this is the time difference between consecutive data points For VERSus type waveforms this is the duration between levels on the X axis For voltage waveforms this is the voltage corresponding to one level Returned Format value NL value A real number representing the time between data points on the X axis ...

Страница 158: ...waveforms it is the time of the first point For VERSus type waveforms it is the X axis value at level zero For voltage waveforms it is the voltage at level zero The value returned by this query is treated as a double precision 64 bit floating point number Returned Format value NL value A real number representing the X axis value of the first data point in the data record ...

Страница 159: ...Veform Commands XSTart XSTart Query WAVeform XSTart The WAVeform XSTart query returns the horizontal start position points value Returned Format screen_wave_startx NL screen_wave_startx Integer in NR1 format ...

Страница 160: ...rrently specified source This voltage value is the voltage difference between two adjacent waveform data digital codes Adjacent digital codes are codes that differ by one least significant bit For example the digital codes 24680 and 24681 vary by one least significant bit Returned Format real_value NL real_value A real number in exponential format ...

Страница 161: ...AVeform YORigin query returns the y origin voltage value for the currently specified source The voltage value returned is the voltage value represented by the waveform data digital code 00000 Returned Format real_value NL real_value A real number in exponential format ...

Страница 162: ...162 ...

Страница 163: ...m command 141 decimal 32 ASCII space 15 DELayed TIMebase command 119 DISPlay Commands 66 CLEar 67 GRID 68 MENUdisplay 69 PERSistence 70 SCReen 71 TYPE 72 display persistence 70 DISPlay CHANnel n command 55 DISPLAY KEY command 75 E EDGE COUPling TRIGger command 127 EDGE LEVel TRIGger command 128 EDGE SLOPe TRIGger command 129 EDGE SOURce TRIGger command 130 EDGE SWEep TRIGger command 131 Ellipsis 1...

Страница 164: command 133 MODE TRIGger command 132 MODE_COUPLING KEY command 76 N NL New Line 16 NWIDth MEASure command 95 O OFFSet CHANnel n command 57 OPC Operation Complete 31 OPERate MASK command 82 Operation Complete OPC 31 OUTPut MASK command 83 OVERshoot MEASure command 96 P PDUTycycle MEASure command 94 97 PERiod MEASure command 98 PERSistence DISPlay command 70 POLarity VIDeo TRIGger command 136 POS...

Страница 165: ...DE 133 PULSe WIDTh 134 SATus 135 VIDeo POLarity 136 VIDeo STANdard 137 VIDeo SYNC 138 Truncation Rule 15 TYPE ACQuire command 46 TYPE DISPlay command 72 TYPE SAVerecall command 116 U UTILITY KEY command 76 V VALue COUNter command 64 VAMPlitude MEASure command 102 VAVerage MEASure command 103 VBASe MEASure command 104 VIDeo POLarity TRIGger command 136 VIDeo STANdard TRIGger command 137 VIDeo SYNC ...

Страница 166: ...Index 166 ...

Страница 167: ...n terminal must be connected to the earth termi nal of the power source Whenever it is likely that the ground protection is impaired you must make the instrument inoperative and secure it against any unintended operation Service instructions are for trained service personnel To avoid dangerous electric shock do not perform any service unless qualified to do so Do not attempt internal service or ad...

Страница 168: being changed without notice in future editions Further to the maximum extent permitted by applica ble law Agilent disclaims all warranties either express or implied with regard to this manual and any information contained herein including but not limited to the implied war ranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose Agilent shall not be liable for errors or for inci dental ...
