Automatic Cassette Size Sensing
The ACSS functionality of the bucky detects the size and orientation of the CR
cassette or the DR detector and allows the collimator to limit the collimated
area accordingly. The collimation setting received from the NX workstation or
the collimation area set by the user is automatically adjusted.
The cassette or detector must be positioned in the center of the bucky. If the
cassette or detector is not in the center of the bucky, the collimated area is
automatically expanded to expose the whole surface of the cassette or
detector. Because automatic collimation is always symmetrical, on one side
the exposure will extend beyond the surface of the cassette or detector and
the collimation must be corrected manually to apply an asymmetrical
collimation area.
The collimator must not be rotated.
The ACSS functionality of the bucky is only available in combination with the
automatic collimator. The ACCS functionality is not available when the
collimator is in manual mode.
| Bucky | Bucky
3253F EN 20210312 1125