L A 5 0 0 0 L I Q U I D A P P L I C A T O R O P E R A T I O N & M A I N T E N A N C E M A N U A L
440/450 Raven Controller With PWM Setup
1. Install Raven 440 or 450 control console and hook up to sprayer (see instructions inside controller
2. Turn on control console.
When making selections/entering numbers, always be sure to press enter to save your settings.
3. Make the following selections when prompted:
- Units US (Enter)
- Speed sensor 2 “SP2” (Enter)
- Valve type C-P “Closed PWM” (Enter)
4. Select Boom Cal “Raven 440, 1-3”, “Raven 450, 1-5”
- Enter number of inches covered for each section (not full width of boom).
To find the number of inches covered, multiply the number of nozzles per section and the number
of inches between nozzles. (Ex. Section one; 12 nozzles x 20 inch between nozzles =240 inches)
5. Select Speed Cal
- Enter 783 (This is the cal number for a Garmin GPS Sensor).
6. Select Meter Cal-Enter the meter cal number which is printed on the tag for on your Flow Meter.
(ex. 720)
7. Select Valve Cal
- Enter 43 (This is only for use with the PWM controlled hydraulic pump).
8. Select Rate 1
- Enter the number of gallons/acre you want to spray in Rate 1. (ex. 10.0)
9. Select Rate 2-Enter the number of gallons/acre you want to spray in Rate 2. (ex. 20.0)
10. Select DATA MENU
- Scroll to PWM Frequency and enter 110.
11. Hold SELF TEST
- This will scroll through all settings to make sure everything is entered.
- If all cal numbers are entered, it will stop scrolling after a few seconds. (move to step 12.)
- If any cal numbers have not yet been entered, it will keep scrolling. (If so, you will need to go
back through your cal numbers and make sure they are all entered correctly.)
12. Turn the Flow Control to MAN for manual control, turn the Booms all to the off position and turn
the master on.
13. Hold INC to build pressure. This will allow you to check any leaks and use your inductor tank (if
applicable) while sitting. BE AWARE NOT TO OVER PRESSURIZE SYSTEM
- Turn the Flow Control to Rate 1 or Rate 2 (preference).
- The speed you need to travel is dependent on the rate at which you are spraying.