Seperator alarm OSA 3 • Manual
• Kilvägen 2, 232 37 Arlöv • Sweden • Phone +46-(0)40-92 20 50 • [email protected] • www.afriso.se
The electronic must not be posi-
tioned in any area where there is
a risk of explosion
All cables laid within the hazard-
ous area zones should be
mechanically protected.
OSA 3 should be wall mounted in an
appropriate safe-area. It is always recom-
mended that the power supply should be
connected so as to prevent accidental
isolation of the system that may result in
separator alarm conditions being inactive
and missed. of fitting. The exact appear-
ance of separator types will vary from
manufacturer to manufacturer.
Check with your separator manufacturer for
more details.
The following recommendations apply:
Level sensor ES4
is fitted so that its
underside H* is fixed approx. 100-500 mm
below the static water level. The precise
installation depth H* below the static
water level is specified in the separator
manual. The underside of the level sensor
must be in water so as NOT to trigger an
alarm, see the illustration below.
Damming sensor R6-S
is fitted approx.
100 mm above the top of the separator’s
intake pipe. The damming sensor must be
in air so as NOT to trigger an alarm, see
the illustration below.
Sludge sensor ES8
is fitted so that its
underside is located at the recommended
emptying height for sludge, specified
in the separator manual.
Level sensor
Damming sensor
H*: the precise installation depth is specified in the
separator manual.