9. Fin attached to fuse with seams covered shown
Elevator and Rudder
Control Horn Installation
1. Gather the elevator servos, pushrods, control
horns, mounting screws, ball links and brass
spacers as shown below.
180 in. oz. digital, metal geared servos are
recommended. Servo selection can be the
difference between a great flying model and
a model that will crash. Always use brand
name high quality servos.
2. Assemble two control horn assemblies for the
elevators as shown. The ball link goes between
the left and right sides of the control horn sides
and is secured with a nylon lock nut. Start with
the center hole in the control horn. The ball link
may be moved up or down for more or less con-
trol throw. A 1 1/2” servo arm is recommended
to achieve full deflection of the elevator bevel.
3. Place the control horn over the pre-drilled
mounting holes as shown.