Check the safety ring, nut and bolt which secures the hang loop to the kingpost.
Check the kingpost top for proper attachment of the bridles and condition of the top rear wire, carabiner
and bridle wires.
Along the trailing edge, right wing:
Same as for the left wing.
At the right tip:
Same as for the left tip.
Along the right leading edge:
Same as for the left leading edge.
Under the glider at the control bar:
Sight down the downtubes, making sure that they are straight.
Check the cables at the control bar corners, making sure there are no kinks or twisted thimbles. Check for
proper installation of all nuts and safety rings at the control bar corners (fig. 18).
Figure 18
Check the sweep wire for wear where it passes through the kingpost channel (fig. 19).
Check the crossbar center plate’s assembly including the sweep wire/X-bar junction and the center bolt
(fig. 20).
Also, visually inspect the crossbars by sighting along the length of the crossbars looking for any evidence
of damage.
Check the control frame apex bracket hardware, including the clevis pin safeties, the control bar top plug
bolt and nut, and the kingpost bracket bolt and nut.
Check the main and backup hangloops.
Figure 19
Figure 20