Aeroplanes DAR ltd.
Brief Flight Manual DAR – Solo
Page 8 of 25
When you reach CHT=180°C of CHT increase revolutions to
n=5000 rev/min. The increase of revolutions has to be done
smoothly, without interruption. After running at these rpm-s for
10 seconds, the lever have to be drawn backwards smoothly till a
support end (lever to min) is reached, the rpm fall has to be
monitored until they reach the minimal n
=1800-2200. This
operation must be done smoothly but in a slower than that of the
lever motion. That is the normal way to do it having in mind the
fixed pitch propeller and the two-stroke engine. After 10 seconds
push the throttle lever forward to their maximum at a rate of 1.5-
2 sec and wait till engine reaches maximum revolutions